Strefa OMSI

Pełna wersja: Projekt Będzin - Linia 24 v.0.5
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Stron: 1 2
Mam problem z tą mapą. Jadę od strony Browaru, i w pewnym momencie za przystankiem coś tam Autostrada nż nie wczytuje się następny tile. Jak dam Będzin Kościuszki to pokazuje się niebo. Czy podać logfile, lub przeskanować maptoolsem?
Przeskanować maptollsem, na 100% brakuje ci jakichś plików.
Mam problem z tą mapą,po jej uruchomieniu mam tylko niebo i nic więcej.Map Tools nie wykrył żadnych braków.
Co zrobić by uruchomić ta mapę i na niej pograć?

Odnośnie problemu podaję loga z gry:
Musisz pobrać paczkę z obiektami i splinami z pierwszego postu w pobieralnii i poprawnie ją zainstalować.
@pause1 Po wgraniu raz jeszcze całej zawartości z Paczka cała i podmianie plików mapa uruchomiła się bez problemowo:)
Mam problem z dodatkiem jak w tytule. Po obejrzeniu zapowiedzi, przeczytaniu komentarzy, mapa wydaje się bardzo dobrze zrobiona i chciałem sobie na niej pojeździć, ale... Kiedy pobrałem te dwa pliki - Bedzin.rar i Bedzin-dedyki oraz skopiowałem wszystko, obydwa foldery do głównego katalogu z gra, po włączeniu się Omsi i kliknięciu na mapę - nie uruchamia się, gra się zacina i tyle by było. Czy ja coś źle kopiuję, czy może problem jest związany z czymś innym?
Jestem nowym graczem, także proszę o wyrozumiałość.
Wczytaj mapę bez autobusów. Gra nie może odczytać poprzedniego zapisu i dlatego wyskakuje błąd.
Nie mam ruchu AI, niżej logfile:
    Start logging

Date:    2017-01-13
Time:    22:46:22
Version: 2.3.004

0 22:46:22 -  -       Information: OMSI is working in fullscreen mode
1 22:46:24 -  -       Information: TIR - looking for DLL path...
2 22:46:24 -  -       Information: TIR  - DLL path not found - TIR disabled [0]
3 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Options dialog created
4 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Weather dialog created
5 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Profiles dialog created
6 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Time table running dialog created
7 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Start dialog created
8 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Menu 2 created
9 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Menu 3 created
10 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Tut dialog created
11 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Menu pos set
12 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Bro initialized
13 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Human engine initialized
14 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Forms set
15 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Captions set
16 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Screen ration set
17 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Init3D: BackBufferFormat = 22
18 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Init3D: Hardware vertex processing
19 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Init3D: Max iso = 16
20 22:47:19 -  -       Information: Init3D: Hal active
21 22:47:20 -  -       Information: Creating 3D device procedure finished
22 22:47:20 -  -       Information: 3D initialized
23 22:47:21 -  -       Information: Direct sound initialized
24 22:47:21 -  -       Information: Create main manager...
25 22:47:21 -  -       Information: Veh array created
26 22:47:21 -  -       Information: CS initialized
27 22:47:21 -  -       Information: Station manager created
28 22:47:21 -  -       Information: OBB created
29 22:47:21 -  -       Information: Tex managers created
30 22:47:21 -  -       Information: Tex manager started
31 22:47:21 -  -       Information: Tutorial manager created
32 22:47:21 -  -       Information: Material manager created
33 22:47:21 -  -       Information: Scenery object manager created
34 22:47:21 -  -       Information: Human manager created
35 22:47:21 -  -       Information: RV type manager created
36 22:47:21 -  -       Information: RV lists created
37 22:47:21 -  -       Information: Spline manager created
38 22:47:21 -  -       Information: Time table manager created
39 22:47:21 -  -       Information: Currency manager created
40 22:47:21 -  -       Information: Visual helpers created
41 22:47:21 -  -       Information: Audio Mixer erstellen...
42 22:47:21 -  -       Information: ---
43 22:47:21 -  -       Information: Download Internet Textures...
44 22:47:31 -  -       Information: Input Manager erstellen...
45 22:47:31 -  -       Information: Tastaturbefehle laden...
46 22:47:31 -  -       Information: Game Controller laden...
47 22:47:31 -  -       Information: Progman initialisieren...
48 22:47:31 -  -       Information: Partikelvertices initialisieren...
49 22:47:31 -  -       Information: Lichtquellen initialisieren...
50 22:47:31 -  -       Information: System-Scriptvariablen initialisieren...
51 22:47:31 -  -       Information: Redline initialisieren...
52 22:47:31 -  -       Information: Traffic Path Manager initialisieren...
53 22:47:31 -  -       Information: Plugins initialisieren...
54 22:47:31 -  -       Information: Spline-Helper initialisieren...
55 22:57:07 -  -       Information: Loading Situation maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\laststn.osn...
56 22:57:07 -  -       Information: Date: 2017 0113, Time: 153650
57 22:57:07 -  -       Information: Load maps\Projekt Bedzin - Linia 24\global.cfg map...
58 22:57:07 -  -       Information: Load Cloud and Snowfall objects...
59 22:57:07 -  -       Information: Load Precip. Part. System...
60 22:57:07 -  -       Information: Load Precip. Sound...
61 22:57:07 -  -       Information:    Sound erstellen...
62 22:57:07 -  -       Information:    Sound laden...
63 22:57:07 -  -       Information: Set Weather System vars...
64 22:57:07 -  -       Information: Sky and Weather created
65 22:57:07 -  -       Information: Date: 2017 0113, Time: 153650
66 22:57:09 -  -   Error:           In "Fonts\FGY_M.oft" there was an error in line 32!
67 22:57:11 -  -       Information: Fonts initialized
68 22:57:11 -  -       Information: Map created
69 22:57:11 -  -       Information:   Map Global File loaded
70 22:57:11 -  -       Information:   Registrations loaded
71 22:57:11 -  -       Information:   Parked Cars loaded
72 22:57:11 -  -       Information:   Map AILists loaded
73 22:57:11 -  -       Information:   New Centerkachel set
74 22:57:11 -  -       Information:   VarParents loaded
75 22:57:11 -  -       Information:   Special Objects refreshed
76 22:57:11 -  -       Information:   Object and Spline Matrices refreshed
77 22:57:11 -  -       Information: Map loaded
78 22:57:11 -  -       Information: Humans created
79 22:57:11 -  -       Information: Editor refreshed
80 22:57:11 -  -     Warning:       Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
81 22:57:11 -  -       Information: Weather loaded
82 22:57:11 -  -       Information: Map camera loaded
83 22:57:11 -  -       Information: maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\global.cfg map loaded!
84 22:57:13 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\stolik2.sco: texture filename lech.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\model\stolik.o3d!
85 22:57:13 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\stolik2.sco: texture filename det.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\model\stolik.o3d!
86 22:57:13 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\stolik2.sco: texture filename det.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\model\stolik.o3d!
87 22:57:13 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\stolik2.sco: texture filename det.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\model\stolik.o3d!
88 22:57:13 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\stolik2.sco: texture filename det.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\model\stolik.o3d!
89 22:57:13 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\stolik2.sco: texture filename det.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\model\stolik.o3d!
90 22:57:13 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\stolik2.sco: texture filename drewno2.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\model\stolik.o3d!
91 22:57:13 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\wiata_merkury.sco: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\model\wiata_merkury.o3d!
92 22:57:13 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\wiata_merkury.sco: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\model\wiata_merkury.o3d!
93 22:57:13 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\wiata_merkury.sco: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\model\wiata_merkury.o3d!
94 22:57:13 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\wiata_merkury.sco: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\model\wiata_merkury.o3d!
95 22:57:13 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\wiata_merkury.sco: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\model\wiata_merkury.o3d!
96 22:57:13 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 25, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
97 22:57:13 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 24, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
98 22:57:14 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 31, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
99 22:57:14 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 28, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
100 22:57:15 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 27, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
101 22:57:15 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 34, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
102 22:57:15 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 33, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
103 22:57:16 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 30, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
104 22:57:16 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 32, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
105 22:57:17 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Stadion/ found no exiting path!
106 22:57:17 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Stadion/ found no exiting path!
107 22:57:17 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin 11-go Listopada/ found no exiting path!
108 22:57:17 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin 11-go Listopada/ found no exiting path!
109 22:57:17 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Dworzec PKP/ found no exiting path!
110 22:57:17 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Dworzec PKP/ found no exiting path!
111 22:57:17 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Kosciuszki KONIEC/ found no exiting path!
112 22:57:17 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Kosciuszki/ found no exiting path!
113 22:57:31 -  -       Information: Date: 2017 0113, Time: 153650
114 22:57:31 -  -     Warning:       Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
115 22:57:31 -  -       Information: Date: 2017 0113, Time: 153650
116 22:57:33 -  -       Information: Traffic loaded
117 22:57:33 -  -       Information: Reset Passengers...
118 22:57:33 -  -       Information: Initialize Scheduled AI...
119 22:57:33 -  -       Information: Refresh All Vehicle Indices...
120 22:57:33 -  -       Information: Date: 2017 0113, Time: 153650
121 22:57:33 -  -       Information: Reset Passengers...
122 22:57:33 -  -       Information: Initialize Scheduled AI...
123 22:57:33 -  -       Information: Refresh All Vehicle Indices...
124 22:57:33 -  -     Warning:       Direct3D-Device lost!
125 22:57:33 -  -       Information: Direct3D-Device resetted!
126 22:57:33 -  -       Information: Reset State Matrices...
127 22:57:33 -  -       Information: Start Tex Thread...
128 22:57:33 -  -       Information: Init Red Line...
129 22:57:33 -  -       Information: Set Initial Render States...
130 22:57:34 -  -       Information: Menu pos set
131 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Skoda_Octavia_Combi\Skoda_Octavia_Combi    2" could not be loaded!
132 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Skoda_Octavia_Combi\Skoda_Octavia_Combi    2" could not be loaded!
133 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\Skoda_Octavia_Combi\Skoda_Octavia_Combi    2"
134 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Skoda_Octavia_Combi\Skoda_Octavia_Combi    2 - it is invalid!
135 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
136 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Fiat_Punto\    3" could not be loaded!
137 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Fiat_Punto\    3" could not be loaded!
138 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\Fiat_Punto\    3"
139 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Fiat_Punto\    3 - it is invalid!
140 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
141 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\HH109_KIPKW1\    1" could not be loaded!
142 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\HH109_KIPKW1\    1" could not be loaded!
143 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\HH109_KIPKW1\    1"
144 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW1\    1 - it is invalid!
145 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
146 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Mercedes_Sprinter_II\    1" could not be loaded!
147 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Mercedes_Sprinter_II\    1" could not be loaded!
148 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\Mercedes_Sprinter_II\    1"
149 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Mercedes_Sprinter_II\    1 - it is invalid!
150 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
151 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\m5\    2" could not be loaded!
152 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\m5\    2" could not be loaded!
153 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\m5\    2"
154 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\m5\    2 - it is invalid!
155 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
156 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2" could not be loaded!
157 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2" could not be loaded!
158 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2"
159 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2 - it is invalid!
160 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
161 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\m5\    2 - it is invalid!
162 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
163 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Skoda_Octavia_Combi\Skoda_Octavia_Combi    2 - it is invalid!
164 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
165 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\VA_Fiesta_Wien_2\    1" could not be loaded!
166 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\VA_Fiesta_Wien_2\    1" could not be loaded!
167 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\VA_Fiesta_Wien_2\    1"
168 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\VA_Fiesta_Wien_2\    1 - it is invalid!
169 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
170 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Fiat_Seicento\Seicento.bus    3" could not be loaded!
171 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Fiat_Seicento\Seicento.bus    3" could not be loaded!
172 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\Fiat_Seicento\Seicento.bus    3"
173 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Fiat_Seicento\Seicento.bus    3 - it is invalid!
174 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
175 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\VA_Polo_Wien_2\    2" could not be loaded!
176 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\VA_Polo_Wien_2\    2" could not be loaded!
177 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\VA_Polo_Wien_2\    2"
178 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\VA_Polo_Wien_2\    2 - it is invalid!
179 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
180 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\megane\    2" could not be loaded!
181 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\megane\    2" could not be loaded!
182 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\megane\    2"
183 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\megane\    2 - it is invalid!
184 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
185 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW1\    1 - it is invalid!
186 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
187 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\FSO_PolonezAtu\PolonezAtu.bus    3" could not be loaded!
188 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\FSO_PolonezAtu\PolonezAtu.bus    3" could not be loaded!
189 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\FSO_PolonezAtu\PolonezAtu.bus    3"
190 22:57:39 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\FSO_PolonezAtu\PolonezAtu.bus    3 - it is invalid!
191 22:57:39 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
192 22:57:44 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\VA_Fiesta_Wien_2\    1 - it is invalid!
193 22:57:44 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
194 22:57:47 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Land_Rover_Freelander\    2" could not be loaded!
195 22:57:47 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Land_Rover_Freelander\    2" could not be loaded!
196 22:57:47 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\Land_Rover_Freelander\    2"
197 22:57:47 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Land_Rover_Freelander\    2 - it is invalid!
198 22:57:47 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
199 22:57:49 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\FSO_PolonezAtu\PolonezAtu.bus    3 - it is invalid!
200 22:57:49 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
201 22:57:51 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Mitsubishi_L200\    1" could not be loaded!
202 22:57:51 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Mitsubishi_L200\    1" could not be loaded!
203 22:57:51 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\Mitsubishi_L200\    1"
204 22:57:51 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Mitsubishi_L200\    1 - it is invalid!
205 22:57:51 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
206 22:57:55 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\VA_Fiesta_Wien_2\    1 - it is invalid!
207 22:57:55 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
208 22:57:56 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW1\    1 - it is invalid!
209 22:57:56 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
210 22:57:57 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Seat_Altea\    2" could not be loaded!
211 22:57:57 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Seat_Altea\    2" could not be loaded!
212 22:57:57 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\Seat_Altea\    2"
213 22:57:57 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Seat_Altea\    2 - it is invalid!
214 22:57:57 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
215 22:58:00 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Mitsubishi_L200\    1 - it is invalid!
216 22:58:00 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
217 22:58:01 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\astra\    3    " could not be loaded!
218 22:58:01 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\astra\    3    " could not be loaded!
219 22:58:01 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\astra\    3    "
220 22:58:01 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\astra\    3     - it is invalid!
221 22:58:01 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
222 22:58:03 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Fiat_Seicento\Seicento.bus    3 - it is invalid!
223 22:58:03 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
224 22:58:04 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\VA_Fiesta_Wien_2\    1 - it is invalid!
225 22:58:04 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
226 22:58:04 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Seat_Altea\    2 - it is invalid!
227 22:58:04 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
228 22:58:04 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Land_Rover_Freelander\    2 - it is invalid!
229 22:58:04 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
230 22:58:04 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\mazda3\    1" could not be loaded!
231 22:58:04 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\mazda3\    1" could not be loaded!
232 22:58:04 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\mazda3\    1"
233 22:58:04 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\mazda3\    1 - it is invalid!
234 22:58:04 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
235 22:58:04 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\VA_Fiesta_Wien_2\    1 - it is invalid!
236 22:58:04 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
237 22:58:04 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\rover\    2" could not be loaded!
238 22:58:04 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\rover\    2" could not be loaded!
239 22:58:04 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\rover\    2"
240 22:58:04 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\rover\    2 - it is invalid!
241 22:58:04 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
242 22:58:04 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Skoda_Octavia_Combi\Skoda_Octavia_Combi    2 - it is invalid!
243 22:58:04 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
244 22:58:05 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2" could not be loaded!
245 22:58:05 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2" could not be loaded!
246 22:58:05 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2"
247 22:58:05 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2 - it is invalid!
248 22:58:05 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
249 22:58:05 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 21, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
250 22:58:05 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 29, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
251 22:58:06 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Stadion/ found no exiting path!
252 22:58:06 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Stadion/ found no exiting path!
253 22:58:06 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin 11-go Listopada/ found no exiting path!
254 22:58:06 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin 11-go Listopada/ found no exiting path!
255 22:58:06 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Dworzec PKP/ found no exiting path!
256 22:58:06 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Dworzec PKP/ found no exiting path!
257 22:58:06 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Kosciuszki KONIEC/ found no exiting path!
258 22:58:06 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Kosciuszki/ found no exiting path!
259 22:58:09 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\megane\    2 - it is invalid!
260 22:58:09 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
261 22:58:10 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\toledo\    2" could not be loaded!
262 22:58:10 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\toledo\    2" could not be loaded!
263 22:58:10 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\toledo\    2"
264 22:58:10 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\toledo\    2 - it is invalid!
265 22:58:10 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
266 22:58:10 -  -       Information: Menu pos set
267 22:58:11 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\VA_Polo_Wien_2\    2 - it is invalid!
268 22:58:11 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
269 22:58:12 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\mazda3\    1 - it is invalid!
270 22:58:12 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
271 22:58:13 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\FSO_PolonezAtu\PolonezAtu.bus    3 - it is invalid!
272 22:58:13 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
273 22:58:15 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\xc90\    2" could not be loaded!
274 22:58:15 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\xc90\    2" could not be loaded!
275 22:58:15 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\xc90\    2"
276 22:58:15 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\xc90\    2 - it is invalid!
277 22:58:15 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
278 22:58:16 -  -       Information: Menu pos set
279 22:58:17 -  -       Information: Menu pos set
280 22:58:39 -  -       Information: Closing actual map...
281 22:58:39 -  -       Information: Actual map closed!
282 22:58:39 -  -       Information: Load maps\Projekt Bedzin - Linia 24\global.cfg map...
283 22:58:39 -  -       Information: Load Cloud and Snowfall objects...
284 22:58:39 -  -       Information: Load Precip. Part. System...
285 22:58:39 -  -       Information: Load Precip. Sound...
286 22:58:39 -  -       Information:    Sound erstellen...
287 22:58:39 -  -       Information:    Sound laden...
288 22:58:39 -  -       Information: Set Weather System vars...
289 22:58:39 -  -       Information: Sky and Weather created
290 22:58:39 -  -       Information: Date: 2017 0113, Time: 150000
291 22:58:41 -  -   Error:           In "Fonts\FGY_M.oft" there was an error in line 32!
292 22:58:43 -  -       Information: Fonts initialized
293 22:58:43 -  -       Information: Map created
294 22:58:43 -  -       Information:   Map Global File loaded
295 22:58:43 -  -       Information:   Registrations loaded
296 22:58:43 -  -       Information:   Parked Cars loaded
297 22:58:43 -  -       Information:   Map AILists loaded
298 22:58:43 -  -       Information:   New Centerkachel set
299 22:58:43 -  -       Information:   VarParents loaded
300 22:58:43 -  -       Information:   Special Objects refreshed
301 22:58:43 -  -       Information:   Object and Spline Matrices refreshed
302 22:58:48 -  -       Information: Map loaded
303 22:58:48 -  -       Information: Humans created
304 22:58:48 -  -       Information: Editor refreshed
305 22:58:48 -  -     Warning:       Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
306 22:58:48 -  -       Information: Weather loaded
307 22:58:48 -  -       Information: Map camera loaded
308 22:58:48 -  -       Information: maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\global.cfg map loaded!
309 22:58:49 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\stolik2.sco: texture filename lech.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\model\stolik.o3d!
310 22:58:49 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\stolik2.sco: texture filename det.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\model\stolik.o3d!
311 22:58:49 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\stolik2.sco: texture filename det.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\model\stolik.o3d!
312 22:58:49 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\stolik2.sco: texture filename det.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\model\stolik.o3d!
313 22:58:49 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\stolik2.sco: texture filename det.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\model\stolik.o3d!
314 22:58:49 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\stolik2.sco: texture filename det.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\model\stolik.o3d!
315 22:58:49 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\stolik2.sco: texture filename drewno2.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\mmiki26\podmiejska\stolik\model\stolik.o3d!
316 22:58:49 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\wiata_merkury.sco: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\model\wiata_merkury.o3d!
317 22:58:49 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\wiata_merkury.sco: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\model\wiata_merkury.o3d!
318 22:58:49 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\wiata_merkury.sco: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\model\wiata_merkury.o3d!
319 22:58:49 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\wiata_merkury.sco: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\model\wiata_merkury.o3d!
320 22:58:49 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\wiata_merkury.sco: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Voltanger\Wiaty\wiata_Merkury_Bedzin\model\wiata_merkury.o3d!
321 22:58:49 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 25, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
322 22:58:50 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 31, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
323 22:58:50 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 28, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
324 22:58:50 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 34, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
325 22:58:51 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 33, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
326 22:58:51 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 30, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
327 22:58:52 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Stadion/ found no exiting path!
328 22:58:52 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Dworzec PKP/ found no exiting path!
329 22:58:52 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Dworzec PKP/ found no exiting path!
330 22:58:52 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Kosciuszki KONIEC/ found no exiting path!
331 22:58:52 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Kosciuszki/ found no exiting path!
332 22:58:52 -  -       Information: Date: 2017 0113, Time: 150000
333 22:58:54 -  -       Information: Traffic loaded
334 22:58:54 -  -       Information: Date: 2017 0113, Time: 150000
335 22:58:54 -  -       Information: Reset Passengers...
336 22:58:54 -  -       Information: Initialize Scheduled AI...
337 22:58:54 -  -       Information: Refresh All Vehicle Indices...
338 22:58:54 -  -       Information: Menu pos set
339 22:58:54 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Seat_Altea\    2" could not be loaded!
340 22:58:54 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Seat_Altea\    2" could not be loaded!
341 22:58:54 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\Seat_Altea\    2"
342 22:58:54 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Seat_Altea\    2 - it is invalid!
343 22:58:54 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
344 22:58:54 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Land_Rover_Freelander\    2" could not be loaded!
345 22:58:54 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Land_Rover_Freelander\    2" could not be loaded!
346 22:58:54 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\Land_Rover_Freelander\    2"
347 22:58:54 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Land_Rover_Freelander\    2 - it is invalid!
348 22:58:54 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
349 22:58:54 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\fabia\    3" could not be loaded!
350 22:58:54 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\fabia\    3" could not be loaded!
351 22:58:54 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\fabia\    3"
352 22:58:54 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\fabia\    3 - it is invalid!
353 22:58:54 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
354 22:58:54 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\fabia\    3 - it is invalid!
355 22:58:54 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
356 22:58:54 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Seat_Altea\    2 - it is invalid!
357 22:58:54 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
358 22:58:54 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Land_Rover_Freelander\    2 - it is invalid!
359 22:58:54 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
360 22:58:56 -  -       Information: Try placing random bus:
361 22:58:57 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "textfeld_thermo.tga"!
362 22:58:58 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld.tga"!
363 22:58:58 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
364 22:58:58 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "LCD-Innenanzeige.bmp"!
365 22:58:58 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
366 22:58:58 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
367 22:58:58 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
368 22:58:59 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
369 22:58:59 -  -     Warning:       File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_EN92.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\EN92\EN92_wagenkasten_dreck.o3d!
370 22:58:59 -  -     Warning:       File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_EN92.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\EN92\LOD_EN92_tuer_MV.o3d!
371 22:58:59 -  -     Warning:       File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_EN92.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\EN92\LOD_EN92_tuer_MH.o3d!
372 22:58:59 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "D_Rad_v.bmp"!
373 22:59:05 -  -       Information: Menu pos set
374 22:59:05 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Skoda_Octavia_Combi\Skoda_Octavia_Combi    2" could not be loaded!
375 22:59:05 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Skoda_Octavia_Combi\Skoda_Octavia_Combi    2" could not be loaded!
376 22:59:05 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\Skoda_Octavia_Combi\Skoda_Octavia_Combi    2"
377 22:59:05 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Skoda_Octavia_Combi\Skoda_Octavia_Combi    2 - it is invalid!
378 22:59:05 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
379 22:59:05 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "..\..\Anzeigen\Seitenschilder\\24.bmp"!
380 22:59:05 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Linienlisten\Bedzin 24_ANX.jpg"!
381 22:59:08 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\VW Passat Variant\    1" could not be loaded!
382 22:59:08 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\VW Passat Variant\    1" could not be loaded!
383 22:59:08 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\VW Passat Variant\    1"
384 22:59:08 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\VW Passat Variant\    1 - it is invalid!
385 22:59:08 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
386 22:59:08 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Skoda_Octavia_Combi\Skoda_Octavia_Combi    2 - it is invalid!
387 22:59:08 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
388 22:59:08 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\xc90\    2" could not be loaded!
389 22:59:08 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\xc90\    2" could not be loaded!
390 22:59:08 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\xc90\    2"
391 22:59:08 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\xc90\    2 - it is invalid!
392 22:59:08 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
393 22:59:08 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Fiat_Ducato\    1" could not be loaded!
394 22:59:08 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Fiat_Ducato\    1" could not be loaded!
395 22:59:08 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\Fiat_Ducato\    1"
396 22:59:08 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Fiat_Ducato\    1 - it is invalid!
397 22:59:08 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
398 22:59:08 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2" could not be loaded!
399 22:59:08 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2" could not be loaded!
400 22:59:08 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2"
401 22:59:08 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2 - it is invalid!
402 22:59:08 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
403 22:59:08 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\mazda3\    1" could not be loaded!
404 22:59:08 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\mazda3\    1" could not be loaded!
405 22:59:08 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\mazda3\    1"
406 22:59:08 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\mazda3\    1 - it is invalid!
407 22:59:08 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
408 22:59:09 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 24, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
409 22:59:12 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 27, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
410 22:59:12 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 32, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
411 22:59:13 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Stadion/ found no exiting path!
412 22:59:13 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Stadion/ found no exiting path!
413 22:59:13 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin 11-go Listopada/ found no exiting path!
414 22:59:13 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin 11-go Listopada/ found no exiting path!
415 22:59:13 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Dworzec PKP/ found no exiting path!
416 22:59:13 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Dworzec PKP/ found no exiting path!
417 22:59:13 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Kosciuszki KONIEC/ found no exiting path!
418 22:59:13 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Kosciuszki/ found no exiting path!
419 22:59:14 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2" could not be loaded!
420 22:59:14 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2" could not be loaded!
421 22:59:14 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2"
422 22:59:14 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2 - it is invalid!
423 22:59:14 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
424 22:59:14 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\HH109_KIPKW1\    1" could not be loaded!
425 22:59:14 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\HH109_KIPKW1\    1" could not be loaded!
426 22:59:14 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\HH109_KIPKW1\    1"
427 22:59:14 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW1\    1 - it is invalid!
428 22:59:14 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
429 22:59:14 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\VA_Fiesta_Wien_2\    1" could not be loaded!
430 22:59:14 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\VA_Fiesta_Wien_2\    1" could not be loaded!
431 22:59:14 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\VA_Fiesta_Wien_2\    1"
432 22:59:14 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\VA_Fiesta_Wien_2\    1 - it is invalid!
433 22:59:14 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
434 22:59:14 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\astra\    3    " could not be loaded!
435 22:59:14 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\astra\    3    " could not be loaded!
436 22:59:14 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\astra\    3    "
437 22:59:14 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\astra\    3     - it is invalid!
438 22:59:14 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
439 22:59:14 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2 - it is invalid!
440 22:59:14 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
441 22:59:14 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\m5\    2" could not be loaded!
442 22:59:14 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\m5\    2" could not be loaded!
443 22:59:14 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\m5\    2"
444 22:59:14 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\m5\    2 - it is invalid!
445 22:59:14 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
446 22:59:15 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 21, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
447 22:59:15 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 29, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
448 22:59:16 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Stadion/ found no exiting path!
449 22:59:16 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Stadion/ found no exiting path!
450 22:59:16 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin 11-go Listopada/ found no exiting path!
451 22:59:16 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin 11-go Listopada/ found no exiting path!
452 22:59:16 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Dworzec PKP/ found no exiting path!
453 22:59:16 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Dworzec PKP/ found no exiting path!
454 22:59:16 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Kosciuszki KONIEC/ found no exiting path!
455 22:59:16 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Kosciuszki/ found no exiting path!
456 22:59:16 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\rover\    2" could not be loaded!
457 22:59:16 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\rover\    2" could not be loaded!
458 22:59:16 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\rover\    2"
459 22:59:16 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\rover\    2 - it is invalid!
460 22:59:16 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
461 22:59:18 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2 - it is invalid!
462 22:59:18 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
463 22:59:22 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Mercedes_Sprinter_II\    1" could not be loaded!
464 22:59:22 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Mercedes_Sprinter_II\    1" could not be loaded!
465 22:59:22 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\Mercedes_Sprinter_II\    1"
466 22:59:22 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Mercedes_Sprinter_II\    1 - it is invalid!
467 22:59:22 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
468 22:59:22 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\toledo\    2" could not be loaded!
469 22:59:22 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\toledo\    2" could not be loaded!
470 22:59:22 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\toledo\    2"
471 22:59:22 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\toledo\    2 - it is invalid!
472 22:59:22 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
473 22:59:22 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Mitsubishi_L200\    1" could not be loaded!
474 22:59:22 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Mitsubishi_L200\    1" could not be loaded!
475 22:59:22 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\Mitsubishi_L200\    1"
476 22:59:22 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Mitsubishi_L200\    1 - it is invalid!
477 22:59:22 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
478 22:59:22 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Mercedes_Sprinter_II\    1 - it is invalid!
479 22:59:22 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
480 22:59:22 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW1\    1 - it is invalid!
481 22:59:22 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
482 22:59:22 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Skoda_Octavia_Combi\Skoda_Octavia_Combi    2 - it is invalid!
483 22:59:22 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
484 22:59:23 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Cladding_Stucco_White"!
485 22:59:23 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Fiat_Ducato\    1 - it is invalid!
486 22:59:23 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
487 22:59:23 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 26, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
488 22:59:23 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 23, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
510 22:59:26 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Skoda_Octavia_Combi\Skoda_Octavia_Combi    2 - it is invalid!
511 22:59:26 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
512 22:59:26 -  -   Error:           The file "Vehicles\octavia3\    1" could not be loaded!
513 22:59:26 -  -   Error:           The file "Vehicles\octavia3\    1" could not be loaded!
514 22:59:26 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: Vehicles\octavia3\    1"
515 22:59:26 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle Vehicles\octavia3\    1 - it is invalid!
516 22:59:26 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
517 22:59:28 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Fiat_Ducato\    1 - it is invalid!
518 22:59:28 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
519 22:59:29 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\astra\    3     - it is invalid!
520 22:59:29 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
521 22:59:30 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 4, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
522 22:59:30 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\Aragok\Studzienka#1.sco: texture filename Pokrywy.jpeg not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Aragok\model\Studzienka1.o3d!
523 22:59:31 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 5, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
524 22:59:31 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\VA_Polo_Wien_2\    2" could not be loaded!
525 22:59:31 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\VA_Polo_Wien_2\    2" could not be loaded!
526 22:59:31 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\VA_Polo_Wien_2\    2"
527 22:59:31 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\VA_Polo_Wien_2\    2 - it is invalid!
528 22:59:31 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
529 22:59:32 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Stadion/ found no exiting path!
530 22:59:32 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Stadion/ found no exiting path!
531 22:59:32 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin 11-go Listopada/ found no exiting path!
532 22:59:32 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin 11-go Listopada/ found no exiting path!
533 22:59:32 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Dworzec PKP/ found no exiting path!
534 22:59:32 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Dworzec PKP/ found no exiting path!
535 22:59:32 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Kosciuszki KONIEC/ found no exiting path!
536 22:59:32 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Kosciuszki/ found no exiting path!
537 22:59:32 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\astra\    3     - it is invalid!
538 22:59:32 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
539 22:59:32 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Skoda_Octavia_Combi\Skoda_Octavia_Combi    2 - it is invalid!
540 22:59:32 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
541 22:59:34 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2 - it is invalid!
542 22:59:34 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
543 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\VA_Polo_Wien_2\    2 - it is invalid!
544 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
545 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\VW Passat Variant\    1 - it is invalid!
546 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
547 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\VA_Fiesta_Wien_2\    1 - it is invalid!
548 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
549 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\VA_Polo_Wien_2\    2 - it is invalid!
550 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
551 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\FSO_PolonezAtu\PolonezAtu.bus    3" could not be loaded!
552 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\FSO_PolonezAtu\PolonezAtu.bus    3" could not be loaded!
553 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\FSO_PolonezAtu\PolonezAtu.bus    3"
554 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\FSO_PolonezAtu\PolonezAtu.bus    3 - it is invalid!
555 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
556 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2 - it is invalid!
557 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
558 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\megane\    2" could not be loaded!
559 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\megane\    2" could not be loaded!
560 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\megane\    2"
561 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\megane\    2 - it is invalid!
562 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
563 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Seat_Altea\    2 - it is invalid!
564 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
565 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\m5\    2 - it is invalid!
566 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
567 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW1\    1 - it is invalid!
568 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
569 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Skoda_Octavia_Combi\Skoda_Octavia_Combi    2 - it is invalid!
570 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
571 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Mitsubishi_L200\    1 - it is invalid!
572 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
573 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\rover\    2 - it is invalid!
574 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
575 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\xc90\    2 - it is invalid!
576 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
577 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\xc90\    2 - it is invalid!
578 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
579 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\VW Passat Variant\    1 - it is invalid!
580 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
581 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\m5\    2 - it is invalid!
582 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
583 22:59:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\toledo\    2 - it is invalid!
584 22:59:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
585 22:59:37 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Skoda_Octavia_Combi\Skoda_Octavia_Combi    2 - it is invalid!
586 22:59:37 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
587 22:59:38 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Seat_Altea\    2 - it is invalid!
588 22:59:38 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
589 22:59:39 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2 - it is invalid!
590 22:59:39 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
591 22:59:39 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\astra\    3     - it is invalid!
592 22:59:39 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
593 22:59:42 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Fiat_Seicento\Seicento.bus    3" could not be loaded!
594 22:59:42 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\Fiat_Seicento\Seicento.bus    3" could not be loaded!
595 22:59:42 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\Fiat_Seicento\Seicento.bus    3"
596 22:59:42 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Fiat_Seicento\Seicento.bus    3 - it is invalid!
597 22:59:42 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
598 22:59:42 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Seat_Altea\    2 - it is invalid!
599 22:59:42 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
600 22:59:43 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\astra\    3     - it is invalid!
601 22:59:43 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
602 22:59:44 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2 - it is invalid!
603 22:59:44 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
604 22:59:45 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Mercedes_Sprinter_II\    1 - it is invalid!
605 22:59:45 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
606 22:59:45 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2 - it is invalid!
607 22:59:45 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
608 22:59:45 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Fiat_Ducato\    1 - it is invalid!
609 22:59:45 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
610 22:59:45 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Seat_Altea\    2 - it is invalid!
611 22:59:45 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
612 22:59:45 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\HH109_KIPKW2\    1" could not be loaded!
613 22:59:45 -  -   Error:           The file "vehicles\HH109_KIPKW2\    1" could not be loaded!
614 22:59:45 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\HH109_KIPKW2\    1"
615 22:59:45 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW2\    1 - it is invalid!
616 22:59:45 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
617 22:59:45 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\astra\    3     - it is invalid!
618 22:59:45 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
619 22:59:46 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Mitsubishi_L200\    1 - it is invalid!
620 22:59:46 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
621 22:59:46 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 6, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
622 22:59:47 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Stadion/ found no exiting path!
623 22:59:47 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Stadion/ found no exiting path!
624 22:59:47 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin 11-go Listopada/ found no exiting path!
625 22:59:47 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin 11-go Listopada/ found no exiting path!
626 22:59:47 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Dworzec PKP/ found no exiting path!
627 22:59:47 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Dworzec PKP/ found no exiting path!
628 22:59:47 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Kosciuszki KONIEC/ found no exiting path!
629 22:59:47 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Kosciuszki/ found no exiting path!
630 22:59:47 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 7, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
631 22:59:47 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 0, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
632 22:59:48 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 1, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
633 22:59:48 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Stadion/ found no exiting path!
634 22:59:48 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Stadion/ found no exiting path!
635 22:59:48 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin 11-go Listopada/ found no exiting path!
636 22:59:48 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin 11-go Listopada/ found no exiting path!
637 22:59:48 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Dworzec PKP/ found no exiting path!
638 22:59:48 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Dworzec PKP/ found no exiting path!
639 22:59:48 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Kosciuszki KONIEC/ found no exiting path!

673 22:59:49 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
674 22:59:49 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Fiat_Ducato\    1 - it is invalid!
675 22:59:49 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
676 22:59:49 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\FSO_PolonezAtu\PolonezAtu.bus    3 - it is invalid!
677 22:59:49 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
678 22:59:49 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\VW Passat Variant\    1 - it is invalid!
679 22:59:49 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
680 22:59:49 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW1\    1 - it is invalid!
681 22:59:49 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
682 22:59:49 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\    2 - it is invalid!
683 22:59:49 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
684 22:59:49 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\FSO_PolonezAtu\PolonezAtu.bus    3 - it is invalid!
685 22:59:49 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
686 22:59:49 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\FSO_PolonezAtu\PolonezAtu.bus    3 - it is invalid!
687 22:59:49 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
688 22:59:54 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\HH109_KIPKW2\    1 - it is invalid!
689 22:59:54 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
690 22:59:54 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\megane\    2 - it is invalid!
691 22:59:54 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
692 22:59:54 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\toledo\    2 - it is invalid!
693 22:59:54 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
694 22:59:54 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle Vehicles\octavia3\    1 - it is invalid!
695 22:59:54 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
696 22:59:54 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Seat_Altea\    2 - it is invalid!
697 22:59:54 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
698 22:59:54 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\rover\    2 - it is invalid!
699 22:59:54 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
700 22:59:54 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Fiat_Ducato\    1 - it is invalid!
701 22:59:54 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
702 22:59:54 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\rover\    2 - it is invalid!
703 22:59:54 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
704 22:59:54 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\Mitsubishi_L200\    1 - it is invalid!
705 22:59:54 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
706 22:59:54 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle vehicles\rover\    2 - it is invalid!
707 22:59:54 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
708 22:59:54 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 8, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...
709 22:59:54 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 3, maps\Projekt Będzin - Linia 24\ ...

725 22:59:58 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Kosciuszki KONIEC/ found no exiting path!
726 22:59:58 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bedzin Kosciuszki/ found no exiting path!
727 22:59:58 -  -       Information: Deativating TIR...
728 22:59:58 -  -       Information: TIR was not available
729 22:59:59 -  -       Information: Closing actual map...
730 22:59:59 -  -       Information: Actual map closed!
731 22:59:59 -  -       Information: OMSI is closing...
Oraz AILIST (zmieniałem osobówki, ale to raczej nie mogło zaszkodzić:P )
vehicles\FSO_PolonezAtu\PolonezAtu.bus 3
vehicles\Fiat_Seicento\Seicento.bus 3
vehicles\fabia\ 3
vehicles\Skoda_Octavia_Combi\Skoda_Octavia_Combi 2
vehicles\toledo\ 2
vehicles\Seat_Altea\ 2
vehicles\Fiat_Ducato\ 1
vehicles\Fiat_Punto\ 3
vehicles\mazda3\ 1
vehicles\m5\ 2
vehicles\megane\ 2
vehicles\Mercedes_Sprinter_II\ 1
Vehicles\octavia3\ 1
vehicles\VW Passat Variant\ 1
vehicles\astra\ 3
vehicles\Mitsubishi_L200\ 1
vehicles\VA_Polo_Wien_2\ 2
vehicles\VA_Fiesta_Wien_2\ 1
vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\ 2
vehicles\HH109_KIPKW1\ 1
vehicles\HH109_KIPKW2\ 1
vehicles\HH109_KIPKW4\ 2
vehicles\Land_Rover_Freelander\ 2
vehicles\rover\ 2
vehicles\xc90\ 2

Bedzin 24
Wiem, widziałem wpisy obłedach i nie wiem, skąd sie to wzięło.
Przedstawiłem tylko część loga, bo za długi (wyciąłem kilkanaście identycznych komunikatów o błędzie wczytywania pojazdu AI )
Zauważyłem dopiero dziś, po drugim kursie, wcześniej byłem skupiony na czym innym)
Problem jest w tym, że to ailists tzw. pierwszej wersji i w nim nie możesz podawać częstotliwości pojawiania się pojazdów, zatem cyfry po wpisie z lokalizacją pojazdu są zbyteczne, a nawet to one powodują błędy. Wystarczy je wywalić i powinno być okej.
@pause1 - oczywiście pomogło, nie wiem, jak mogłem nie zauważyć, że skopiowałem razem ze zbędnymi w tym przypadku, cyframi.. Repik leci, a i niech będzie to wskazówką dla innych, że to ważne:)
Stron: 1 2