Strefa OMSI

Pełna wersja: Dalmacija Fictional (v1.1)
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Stron: 1 2
(09.03.2016 19:55)pause1 napisał(a): [ -> ]Brakuje pliku:
228 18:20:32 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\AFG_Others\sign_pracenasilinici.sco"
230 18:20:32 - - Error: Could not load object Sceneryobjects\AFG_Others\sign_pracenasilinici.sco!
Uzupełnij, spróbuj uruchomić mapę, jeśli nie pomoże, wstaw nowy logfile.
@pause1 - Wiem, co powiesz, "ja próbuję pomóc, a on się upiera" - niestety dla jednej mapy nie zamienię pliku na nowy, nawet taki sam, skoro inne mapy (głównie Praga, bo AFG jest do Pragi, na co wskazuje tak nazwa pliku jak i przedrostek 'AFG') działają dobrze. Ale upieram się dlatego, że kiedyś miałem błędy w logfilu dot. jednej z czcionek i wynikały one z "jeżdżenia po mapie kamerą F4 - tak się czasem zdarza (logfile z Dalmacji może go zawierać, ponieważ taka operacja była także w użyciu). Czcionka w/w oczywiście jest w porządku. Więc wiem, jak moje zdania brzmią, ale to nie jest lekceważenie chęci pomocy. To moze wyglądać jak OT, ale dotyczy też tematu i jest wyjaśnieniem niechęci wymiany pliku (przynajmniej tak to odczuwam, że w tej chwili nie jestem na to gotów). Mimo to doceniam próby pomocy:):) .
No to skoro nie chcesz wymienić obiektu, którego de facto gra nie widzi (bo pewnie nie masz go w folderze), to jedyną opcją jest jego usunięcie za pomocą edytora LUB przy pomocy Notepad++ (w plikach maps/<nazwa mapy>/pliki "*.map" usuwasz wszystkie wpisy dotyczące tego obiektu).

A to że folder nazywa się AFG nie oznacza, że są tam obiekty tylko od Pragi. Mówię - sprawdź czy ten konkretny plik jest na miejscu, jeśli jest, a ta mapa nie jest w stanie go znaleźć - usuń go po prostu (z mapy - edytorem lub w plikach).
No tak, ale po pierwsze ja MAM ! ten obiekt (i miałem), to jedno.

Dograłem także dodatkowe pliki z nowego Hotfixa. (nie chciało mi wczytać posta z nowym logfilem - próbowałem 2 razy, muszę odpuścić)

Trzecia sprawa - "przyspawało mnie" do drogi i widać było, gdzie się urywa. Co dziwniejsze, to nie zawsze w tym samym miejscu.

A po czwarte: po wczytaniu ostatniej sytuacji na mapie (gdzie zazwyczaj, jeżeli skończyłem w przypadku dziurawych map w takim felernym miejscu, to wczytanie ostatniej sytuacji właśnie w takim miejscu mnie stawia) wcale nie znalazłem się na dziurawej drodze, ale ... spokojnie dokończyłem kurs. No cóż Omsi czasem nam struga takie cuda i dziwy :E . Zagadka nie rozwiązana, moze innym się uda, pozostaje czekać.
A oto logfile z dokończenia trasy (sypie errorami, warnami, ale j.w.)
    Start logging

Date:    2016-03-10
Time:    00:26:17
Version: 2.2.032

0 00:26:17 -  -       Information: OMSI is working in fullscreen mode
1 00:26:18 -  -       Information: TIR - looking for DLL path...
2 00:26:18 -  -       Information: TIR  - DLL path not found - TIR disabled [0]
3 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Options dialog created
4 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Weather dialog created
5 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Profiles dialog created
6 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Time table running dialog created
7 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Start dialog created
8 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Menu 2 created
9 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Menu 3 created
10 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Tut dialog created
11 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Menu pos set
12 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Bro initialized
13 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Human engine initialized
14 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Forms set
15 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Captions set
16 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Screen ration set
17 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Init3D: BackBufferFormat = 22
18 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Init3D: Hardware vertex processing
19 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Init3D: Max iso = 16
20 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Init3D: Hal active
21 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Creating 3D device procedure finished
22 00:26:52 -  -       Information: 3D initialized
23 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Direct sound initialized
24 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Create main manager...
25 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Veh array created
26 00:26:52 -  -       Information: CS initialized
27 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Station manager created
28 00:26:52 -  -       Information: OBB created
29 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Tex managers created
30 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Tex manager started
31 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Tutorial manager created
32 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Material manager created
33 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Scenery object manager created
34 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Human manager created
35 00:26:52 -  -       Information: RV type manager created
36 00:26:52 -  -       Information: RV lists created
37 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Spline manager created
38 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Time table manager created
39 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Currency manager created
40 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Visual helpers created
41 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Audio Mixer erstellen...
42 00:26:52 -  -       Information: ---
43 00:26:52 -  -       Information: Download Internet Textures...
44 00:27:00 -  -       Information: Input Manager erstellen...
45 00:27:00 -  -       Information: Tastaturbefehle laden...
46 00:27:00 -  -       Information: Game Controller laden...
47 00:27:00 -  -       Information: Progman initialisieren...
48 00:27:00 -  -       Information: Partikelvertices initialisieren...
49 00:27:00 -  -       Information: Lichtquellen initialisieren...
50 00:27:00 -  -       Information: System-Scriptvariablen initialisieren...
51 00:27:00 -  -       Information: Redline initialisieren...
52 00:27:00 -  -       Information: Traffic Path Manager initialisieren...
53 00:27:00 -  -       Information: Plugins initialisieren...
54 00:27:00 -  -       Information: Spline-Helper initialisieren...
55 00:27:09 -  -       Information: Loading Situation maps\Dalmacija\laststn.osn...
56 00:27:09 -  -       Information: Date: 2016 0709, Time: 190956
57 00:27:09 -  -       Information: Load maps\Dalmacija\global.cfg map...
58 00:27:09 -  -       Information: Load Cloud and Snowfall objects...
59 00:27:09 -  -       Information: Load Precip. Part. System...
60 00:27:09 -  -       Information: Load Precip. Sound...
61 00:27:09 -  -       Information:    Sound erstellen...
62 00:27:09 -  -       Information:    Sound laden...
63 00:27:09 -  -       Information: Set Weather System vars...
64 00:27:09 -  -       Information: Sky and Weather created
65 00:27:09 -  -       Information: Date: 2016 0709, Time: 190956
66 00:27:11 -  -   Error:           In "Fonts\FGY_M.oft" there was an error in line 32!
67 00:27:12 -  -       Information: Fonts initialized
68 00:27:12 -  -       Information: Map created
69 00:27:13 -  -       Information:   Map Global File loaded
70 00:27:13 -  -       Information:   Registrations loaded
71 00:27:13 -  -       Information:   Parked Cars loaded
72 00:27:13 -  -       Information:   Map AILists loaded
73 00:27:13 -  -       Information:   New Centerkachel set
74 00:27:13 -  -       Information:   VarParents loaded
75 00:27:13 -  -       Information:   Special Objects refreshed
76 00:27:13 -  -       Information:   Object and Spline Matrices refreshed
77 00:27:13 -  -       Information: Map loaded
78 00:27:13 -  -     Warning:       Line "maps\Dalmacija\TTData\APPR 01.ttl", tour 1: Entry 3 begins before previous entry ends!
79 00:27:13 -  -     Warning:       Line "maps\Dalmacija\TTData\APPR 01.ttl", tour 6 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
80 00:27:13 -  -     Warning:       Line "maps\Dalmacija\TTData\APPR 01.ttl", tour 7 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
81 00:27:13 -  -       Information: Humans created
82 00:27:13 -  -       Information: Editor refreshed
83 00:27:13 -  -     Warning:       Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
84 00:27:13 -  -       Information: Weather loaded
85 00:27:13 -  -       Information: Map camera loaded
86 00:27:13 -  -       Information: maps\Dalmacija\global.cfg map loaded!
87 00:27:13 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 104, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
88 00:27:13 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 109, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
89 00:27:13 -  -   Error:           Sceneryobjects\AFG_Others\model\sign_pracenasilinici.o3d – o3d reading failed - Could not read the o3d file! Die angegebene Datei wurde nicht gefunden
90 00:27:13 -  -   Error:           In "Sceneryobjects\AFG_Others\sign_pracenasilinici.sco" there was an error in line 9!
91 00:27:13 -  -   Error:           Sceneryobjects\AFG_Others\model\sign_pracenasilinici.o3d – o3d reading failed - Could not read the o3d file! Die angegebene Datei wurde nicht gefunden
92 00:27:13 -  -   Error:           In "Sceneryobjects\AFG_Others\sign_pracenasilinici.sco" there was an error in line 12!
93 00:27:13 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\AFG_Others\sign_pracenasilinici.sco"
94 00:27:13 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 118, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
95 00:27:13 -  -   Error:           Could not load object Sceneryobjects\AFG_Others\sign_pracenasilinici.sco!
96 00:27:14 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 123, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
97 00:27:14 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 128, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
98 00:27:15 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 105, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
99 00:27:15 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 108, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
100 00:27:15 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 119, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
101 00:27:15 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 124, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
102 00:27:15 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 127, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
103 00:27:15 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 106, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
104 00:27:15 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 107, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
105 00:27:15 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 120, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
106 00:27:15 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 125, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
107 00:27:15 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "treehelper.bmp"!
108 00:27:15 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "treehelper.bmp"!
109 00:27:15 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "treehelper.bmp"!
110 00:27:16 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "sceneryobjects\Tony_A_Objects\textures\"!
111 00:27:17 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 129, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
112 00:27:18 -  -   Error:           In "vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\passengercabin_190A11.cfg" there was an error in line 374!
113 00:27:18 -  -   Error:           Error: command  "(" (vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\\script\Steklo.osc) variable name is invalid!
114 00:27:18 -  -   Error:           Error: command  "(" (vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\\script\Steklo.osc) variable name is invalid!
115 00:27:18 -  -   Error:           Error: command  "(" (vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\\script\Steklo.osc) variable name is invalid!
116 00:27:18 -  -   Error:           Error: command  "(" (vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\\script\Steklo.osc) variable name is invalid!
117 00:27:18 -  -   Error:           Error: command  "(" (vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\\script\Steklo.osc) variable name is invalid!
118 00:27:18 -  -   Error:           Error: command  "(" (vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\\script\Steklo.osc) variable name is invalid!
119 00:27:18 -  -   Error:           Error: command  "(" (vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\\script\Steklo.osc) variable name is invalid!
120 00:27:18 -  -   Error:           Error: command  "(" (vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\\script\Steklo.osc) variable name is invalid!
121 00:27:18 -  -   Error:           Error: command  "(" (vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\\script\Steklo.osc) variable name is invalid!
122 00:27:18 -  -   Error:           Error: command  "(" (vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\\script\Steklo.osc) variable name is invalid!
123 00:27:18 -  -   Error:           Error: command  "(" (vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\\script\Steklo.osc) variable name is invalid!
124 00:27:18 -  -   Error:           Error: command  "(" (vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\\script\Steklo.osc) variable name is invalid!
125 00:27:18 -  -   Error:           Error: command  "(" (vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\\script\Steklo.osc) variable name is invalid!
126 00:27:18 -  -   Error:           Error: command  "(" (vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\\script\Steklo.osc) variable name is invalid!
127 00:27:19 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename Fenster.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P84\tabla.o3d!
128 00:27:19 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename armatura.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\volan.o3d!
129 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename Matrix_Lin_S.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P_skupaj\displej os.o3d!
130 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename reflexion0.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\ogledala zrcalo d.o3d!
131 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename reflexion1.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\ogledala zrcalo l.o3d!
132 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename dodatki zunaj.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\streha sp.o3d!
133 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename dodatki zunaj.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\streha zd.o3d!
134 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename dodatki zunaj.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\streha d.o3d!
135 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename dodatki zunaj.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\streha l.o3d!
136 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename dodatki zunaj.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\brisalec D.o3d!
137 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\steklo vn.o3d!
138 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo n.o3d!
139 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo L1n.o3d!
140 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo L2n.o3d!
141 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo L3n.o3d!
142 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo D1n.o3d!
143 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo D2n.o3d!
144 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo D3n.o3d!
145 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\vrata sipan0.o3d!
146 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\vrata sipan1.o3d!
147 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\vrata sipan2.o3d!
148 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\vrata sipan3.o3d!
149 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\voznik v sipa n.o3d!
150 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\voznik v sipa odpri n.o3d!
151 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P_skupaj\steklo voznik.o3d!
152 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P_skupaj\kasa st.o3d!
153 00:27:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\voznik v odpri.o3d!
154 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename dodatki zunaj.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo L1odpri.o3d!
155 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename dodatki zunaj.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo L2odpri.o3d!
156 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename dodatki zunaj.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo L3odpri.o3d!
157 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename dodatki zunaj.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo D1odpri.o3d!
158 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename dodatki zunaj.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo D2odpri.o3d!
159 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename dodatki zunaj.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo D3odpri.o3d!
160 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo z.o3d!
161 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\steklo vz.o3d!
162 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\vrata sipaz0.o3d!
163 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\vrata sipaz1.o3d!
164 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\vrata sipaz2.o3d!
165 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\vrata sipaz3.o3d!
166 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\voznik v sipa z.o3d!
167 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\voznik v sipa odpri z.o3d!
168 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo L1z.o3d!
169 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo L2z.o3d!
170 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo L3z.o3d!
171 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo D1z.o3d!
172 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo D2z.o3d!
173 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename obleka TAM.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\P81\steklo D3z.o3d!
174 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename TAM190.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\steklo lod0.o3d!
175 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\steklo lod0.o3d!
176 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\steklo lod0.o3d!
177 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename TAM190.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\steklo lod1.o3d!
178 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\steklo lod1.o3d!
179 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\steklo lod1.o3d!
180 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename TAM190.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\steklo lod2.o3d!
181 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\steklo lod2.o3d!
182 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\steklo lod2.o3d!
183 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename TAM190.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\steklo lod3.o3d!
184 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\steklo lod3.o3d!
185 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\steklo lod3.o3d!
186 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename TAM190.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\steklo lod.o3d!
187 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\steklo lod.o3d!
188 00:27:24 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\model_P84.cfg: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\model\190A11\steklo lod.o3d!
189 00:27:25 -  -       Information: Date: 2016 0709, Time: 190956
190 00:27:25 -  -     Warning:       Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
191 00:27:25 -  -       Information: Date: 2016 0709, Time: 190956
192 00:27:28 -  -       Information: Traffic loaded
193 00:27:28 -  -       Information: Reset Passengers...
194 00:27:28 -  -       Information: Initialize Scheduled AI...
195 00:27:28 -  -       Information: Refresh All Vehicle Indices...
196 00:27:28 -  -       Information: Date: 2016 0709, Time: 190956
197 00:27:28 -  -       Information: Reset Passengers...
198 00:27:28 -  -       Information: Initialize Scheduled AI...
199 00:27:28 -  -       Information: Refresh All Vehicle Indices...
200 00:27:28 -  -     Warning:       Direct3D-Device lost!
201 00:27:28 -  -       Information: Direct3D-Device resetted!
202 00:27:28 -  -       Information: Reset State Matrices...
203 00:27:28 -  -       Information: Start Tex Thread...
204 00:27:28 -  -       Information: Init Red Line...
205 00:27:28 -  -       Information: Set Initial Render States...
206 00:27:28 -  -       Information: Menu pos set
207 00:27:28 -  -     Warning:       Soundfile vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\sound\D_2566UHx@575.wav does not exist!
208 00:27:28 -  -     Warning:       Soundfile vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\sound\D_2566UHx@722.wav does not exist!
209 00:27:28 -  -     Warning:       Soundfile vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\sound\D_2566UHx@1214.wav does not exist!
210 00:27:28 -  -     Warning:       Soundfile vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\sound\D_2566UHx@1653.wav does not exist!
211 00:27:28 -  -     Warning:       Soundfile vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\sound\D_2566UHx@2296.wav does not exist!
212 00:27:28 -  -     Warning:       Soundfile vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\sound\D_2566UHx@1280_Last.wav does not exist!
213 00:27:28 -  -     Warning:       Soundfile vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\sound\D_2566UHx@1280_bass.wav does not exist!
214 00:27:28 -  -     Warning:       Soundfile vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\sound\SD_lautsprech_Motor@592.wav does not exist!
215 00:27:28 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Linienlisten\Dalmacija_ANX.jpg"!
216 00:27:29 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
217 00:28:02 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 134, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
218 00:28:03 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 133, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
219 00:28:04 -  -   Error:           Sceneryobjects\Buildings_Sander_Tach\Ibutsk\model\zabor02.o3d – o3d reading failed - Could not read the o3d file! Die angegebene Datei wurde nicht gefunden
220 00:28:04 -  -   Error:           In "Sceneryobjects\Buildings_Sander_Tach\Ibutsk\fence02.sco" there was an error in line 10!
221 00:28:04 -  -   Error:           Sceneryobjects\Buildings_Sander_Tach\Ibutsk\model\zabor02.o3d – o3d reading failed - Could not read the o3d file! Die angegebene Datei wurde nicht gefunden
222 00:28:04 -  -   Error:           In "Sceneryobjects\Buildings_Sander_Tach\Ibutsk\fence02.sco" there was an error in line 13!
223 00:28:04 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\Buildings_Sander_Tach\Ibutsk\fence02.sco"
224 00:28:05 -  -   Error:           Sceneryobjects\Buildings_Sander_Tach\Ibutsk\model\kol01.o3d – o3d reading failed - Could not read the o3d file! Die angegebene Datei wurde nicht gefunden
225 00:28:05 -  -   Error:           In "Sceneryobjects\Buildings_Sander_Tach\Ibutsk\koleso.sco" there was an error in line 10!
226 00:28:05 -  -   Error:           Sceneryobjects\Buildings_Sander_Tach\Ibutsk\model\kol01.o3d – o3d reading failed - Could not read the o3d file! Die angegebene Datei wurde nicht gefunden
227 00:28:05 -  -   Error:           In "Sceneryobjects\Buildings_Sander_Tach\Ibutsk\koleso.sco" there was an error in line 16!
228 00:28:05 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\Buildings_Sander_Tach\Ibutsk\koleso.sco"
229 00:28:06 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 132, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
230 00:28:06 -  -   Error:           Could not load object Sceneryobjects\Buildings_Sander_Tach\Ibutsk\fence02.sco!
231 00:28:06 -  -   Error:           Could not load object Sceneryobjects\Buildings_Sander_Tach\Ibutsk\koleso.sco!
232 00:28:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 111, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
233 00:28:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 121, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
234 00:28:28 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "sceneryobjects\Tony_A_Objects\textures\"!
235 00:28:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 126, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
236 00:28:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 130, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
237 00:28:29 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 131, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
238 00:29:36 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 138, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
239 00:29:37 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Metal_Aluminum_Anodized.jpg"!
240 00:29:37 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Metal_Aluminum_Anodized.jpg"!
241 00:29:37 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 137, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
242 00:29:37 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 136, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
243 00:29:54 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 112, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
244 00:29:54 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 122, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
245 00:29:55 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 135, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
246 00:29:55 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 139, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
247 00:29:55 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 140, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
248 00:30:16 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 141, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
249 00:31:36 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 142, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
250 00:31:36 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 143, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
251 00:31:39 -  -       Information: Menu pos set
252 00:31:41 -  -       Information: Menu pos set
253 00:32:13 -  -     Warning:       Soundfile vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\sound\D87_fdoor_opn2.wav does not exist!
254 00:32:37 -  -     Warning:       Soundfile Sounds\Passengers\..\..\TicketPacks\Berlin_1\\M3\Ticket_5_1.wav does not exist!
255 00:32:41 -  -     Warning:       Soundfile Sounds\Passengers\..\..\TicketPacks\Berlin_1\\F3\Ticket_5_1.wav does not exist!
256 00:32:52 -  -     Warning:       Soundfile Sounds\Passengers\..\..\TicketPacks\Berlin_1\\F4\Ticket_5_2.wav does not exist!
257 00:32:58 -  -     Warning:       Soundfile vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\sound\D87_fdoor_cls2.wav does not exist!
258 00:33:00 -  -     Warning:       Soundfile vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\sound\D87_fdoor_cls_hit.wav does not exist!
259 00:33:00 -  -     Warning:       Soundfile vehicles\TAM_ 190A11\sound\D87_fdoor_cls_hit2.wav does not exist!
260 00:33:39 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 148, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
261 00:33:39 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 144, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
262 00:34:06 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 207, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
263 00:34:07 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 206, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
264 00:34:07 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 159, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
265 00:34:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 150, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
266 00:34:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 147, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
267 00:34:29 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "sceneryobjects\Tony_A_Objects\textures\"!
268 00:34:29 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 145, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
269 00:34:29 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 158, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
270 00:34:46 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 151, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
271 00:34:46 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 149, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
272 00:34:47 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\______{{BV}}______OBEJETOS\{{POSTOS_GAS_}}\placa_posto_\placa_pos​to_.sco: texture filename Sem_df01.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\______{{BV}}______OBEJETOS\{{POSTOS_GAS_}}\placa_posto_\model\pla​ca_posto_.o3d!
273 00:34:47 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 146, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
274 00:34:47 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 152, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
275 00:34:47 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 156, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
276 00:34:52 -  -       Information: Menu pos set
277 00:35:02 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 155, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
278 00:35:02 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 153, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
279 00:35:02 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 154, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
280 00:35:03 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 157, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
281 00:35:05 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bilo Z/ found no exiting path!
282 00:35:05 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bilo/ found no exiting path!
283 00:35:06 -  -       Information: Try placing random bus:
284 00:35:19 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 160, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
285 00:35:20 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bilo Z/ found no exiting path!
286 00:35:20 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bilo/ found no exiting path!
287 00:35:39 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 165, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
288 00:35:39 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 164, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
289 00:35:40 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 163, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
290 00:35:41 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bilo Z/ found no exiting path!
291 00:35:41 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bilo/ found no exiting path!
292 00:36:01 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 161, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
293 00:36:01 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 162, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
294 00:36:03 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bilo Z/ found no exiting path!
295 00:36:03 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bilo/ found no exiting path!
296 00:36:22 -  -     Warning:       Soundfile Sounds\Passengers\..\..\TicketPacks\Berlin_1\\M4\Ticket_5_2.wav does not exist!
297 00:37:00 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 166, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
298 00:37:00 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 167, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
299 00:37:01 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bilo Z/ found no exiting path!
300 00:37:01 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bilo/ found no exiting path!
301 00:37:17 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 168, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
302 00:37:17 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 169, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
303 00:37:18 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bilo Z/ found no exiting path!
304 00:37:18 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bilo/ found no exiting path!
305 00:37:33 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 170, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
306 00:37:33 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 171, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
307 00:37:34 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bilo Z/ found no exiting path!
308 00:37:34 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bilo/ found no exiting path!
309 00:38:00 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 173, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
310 00:38:00 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 172, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
311 00:38:01 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bilo Z/ found no exiting path!
312 00:38:01 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Bilo/ found no exiting path!
313 00:38:18 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 174, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
314 00:38:18 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 175, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
315 00:38:34 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 176, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
316 00:38:34 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 177, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
317 00:38:50 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 185, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
318 00:38:50 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 183, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
319 00:38:50 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 178, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
320 00:38:50 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 179, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
321 00:39:09 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "DINAMIK.BMP"!
322 00:39:09 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "STAL.BMP"!
323 00:39:09 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 182, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
324 00:39:09 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 180, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
325 00:39:10 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 181, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
326 00:39:14 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 184, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
327 00:40:02 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 189, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
328 00:40:03 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 188, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
329 00:40:24 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 192, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
330 00:40:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 193, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
331 00:40:41 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 186, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
332 00:40:41 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 187, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
333 00:40:41 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 190, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
334 00:40:42 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 191, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
335 00:41:14 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 194, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
336 00:41:14 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 195, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
337 00:41:15 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 196, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
338 00:41:15 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 197, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
339 00:41:36 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 201, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
340 00:41:36 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 200, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
341 00:41:36 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 199, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
342 00:41:59 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 215, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
343 00:41:59 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 209, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
344 00:41:59 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 203, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
345 00:42:02 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\AFG_Others\busstop_norek.sco: texture filename not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\AFG_Others\model\busstop_norek.o3d!
346 00:42:02 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 202, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
347 00:42:03 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 198, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
348 00:42:42 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 212, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
349 00:42:42 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 213, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
350 00:43:41 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 210, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
351 00:44:05 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 208, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
352 00:44:08 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 205, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
353 00:44:09 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 204, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
354 00:44:09 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 211, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
355 00:44:20 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 214, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
356 00:44:21 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Club Aurora Iskrcaj/ found no exiting path!
357 00:44:24 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 216, maps\Dalmacija\ ...
358 00:44:26 -  -     Warning:       Busstop Club Aurora Iskrcaj/ found no exiting path!
359 00:45:35 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Linienlisten\Dalmacija_ANX.jpg"!
360 00:46:50 -  -       Information: Deativating TIR...
361 00:46:50 -  -       Information: TIR was not available
362 00:46:50 -  -       Information: Closing actual map...
363 00:46:50 -  -       Information: Actual map closed!
364 00:46:50 -  -       Information: OMSI is closing...
Stron: 1 2