Strefa OMSI

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Stron: 1 2 3
Nie, ibis nie ma na to wpływu. Odhacz opcję „user is allowed to drive...”, wczytaj grę. Jeśli nie będzie zmian, zaznacz ponownie i znowu wczytaj grę. Ten symulator czasem trzeba oszukać i może to jest odpowiedni moment.
Zrobiłem tak jak proponowałeś i dalej nie pojawia się rozkład w grze ehh
Mam takie pytanie na tym ss przy trip jest opcja ShowAI Co ona oznacza? Jeśli ją zaznacze to linia będzie tylko dla AI? Zawsze jak wchodze w edycje timetable to jak klikam na trip to wyświetla mi jedną linie i dopiero jak klikne ShowAI to wyświetla mi wszystkie. Może to ma coś do tego że rozkład się nie pokazuje?
Bo to nie jest "ShowAI" tylko "ShowAll" -> "pokaż wszystko"; dlatego kliknięcie wyświetla wszystkie dostępne trasy.
Może trzeba zrobić linie w taki sposób że na początku trzeba zrobić wyjazd z zajezdni a w nocy zjazd do zajezdni aby działało?
Nie, to nie ma wpływu na działanie linii. Sam czasem dorabiam sobie jakieś własne linie na różnych mapach i normalnie w grze mi się pokazują.
Jedyne co mi jeszcze do głowy przychodzi - czy masz przypisane pojazdy AI do linii? W sensie jak masz kategorię "MAXI", to czy w pliku ailist jest prawidłowa ścieżka pojazdu.
Musisz nam wysłać logfile, chyba tylko to wyjaśni sprawę. Jeśli nic nie zadziała, to ja bym na Twoim miejscu spróbował wywalić całkowicie tą linię i postawić od nowa.
Postaram zaraz się wysłać logfile. Tak ustawiam kategorie. Jak to w tym pliku allist powinno wyglądać?

    Start logging

Date:    12/2/2020
Time:    11:58:22 AM
Version: 2.3.004

0 11:58:22 AM -  -       Information: OMSI is working in edit mode
1 11:58:25 AM -  -       Information: TIR - looking for DLL path...
2 11:58:25 AM -  -       Information: TIR  - DLL path not found - TIR disabled [0]
3 12:00:31 PM -  -       Information: Options dialog created
4 12:00:31 PM -  -       Information: Weather dialog created
5 12:00:31 PM -  -       Information: Profiles dialog created
6 12:00:31 PM -  -       Information: Time table running dialog created
7 12:00:31 PM -  -       Information: Start dialog created
8 12:00:31 PM -  -       Information: Menu 2 created
9 12:00:31 PM -  -       Information: Menu 3 created
10 12:00:31 PM -  -       Information: Tut dialog created
11 12:00:31 PM -  -       Information: Menu pos set
12 12:00:31 PM -  -       Information: Bro initialized
13 12:00:31 PM -  -       Information: Human engine initialized
14 12:00:31 PM -  -       Information: Forms set
15 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Captions set
16 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Screen ration set
17 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Init3D: BackBufferFormat = 22
18 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Init3D: Hardware vertex processing
19 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Init3D: Max iso = 16
20 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Init3D: Hal active
21 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Creating 3D device procedure finished
22 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: 3D initialized
23 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Direct sound initialized
24 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Create main manager...
25 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Veh array created
26 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: CS initialized
27 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Station manager created
28 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: OBB created
29 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Tex managers created
30 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Tex manager started
31 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Tutorial manager created
32 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Material manager created
33 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Scenery object manager created
34 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Human manager created
35 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: RV type manager created
36 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: RV lists created
37 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Spline manager created
38 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Time table manager created
39 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Currency manager created
40 12:00:32 PM -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "30er_reihensiedlung01.bmp"!
41 12:00:32 PM -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "SD_Rad_v.bmp"!
42 12:00:32 PM -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "reifen.bmp"!
43 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Visual helpers created
44 12:00:32 PM -  -       Information: Audio Mixer erstellen...
45 12:00:33 PM -  -       Information: ---
46 12:00:33 PM -  -       Information: Download Internet Textures...
47 12:00:33 PM -  -       Information: Problem while getting file
48 12:00:33 PM -  -       Information: Problem while getting file
49 12:00:34 PM -  -       Information: Problem while getting file
50 12:00:34 PM -  -       Information: Problem while getting file
51 12:00:34 PM -  -       Information: Problem while getting file
52 12:00:35 PM -  -       Information: Problem while getting file
53 12:00:35 PM -  -       Information: Problem while getting file
54 12:00:35 PM -  -       Information: Problem while getting file
55 12:00:36 PM -  -       Information: Problem while getting file
56 12:00:36 PM -  -       Information: Input Manager erstellen...
57 12:00:36 PM -  -       Information: Tastaturbefehle laden...
58 12:00:36 PM -  -       Information: Game Controller laden...
59 12:00:37 PM -  -       Information: Progman initialisieren...
60 12:00:37 PM -  -       Information: Partikelvertices initialisieren...
61 12:00:37 PM -  -       Information: Lichtquellen initialisieren...
62 12:00:37 PM -  -       Information: System-Scriptvariablen initialisieren...
63 12:00:37 PM -  -       Information: Redline initialisieren...
64 12:00:37 PM -  -       Information: Traffic Path Manager initialisieren...
65 12:00:37 PM -  -       Information: Plugins initialisieren...
66 12:00:37 PM -  -       Information: Spline-Helper initialisieren...
67 12:00:37 PM -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "path_car_1.bmp"!
68 12:04:32 PM -  -       Information: Load maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\global.cfg map...
69 12:04:32 PM -  -       Information: Load Cloud and Snowfall objects...
70 12:04:32 PM -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "texture.tga"!
71 12:04:32 PM -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Snow_1.bmp.001"!
72 12:04:32 PM -  -       Information: Load Precip. Part. System...
73 12:04:32 PM -  -       Information: Load Precip. Sound...
74 12:04:32 PM -  -       Information:    Sound erstellen...
75 12:04:32 PM -  -       Information:    Sound laden...
76 12:04:32 PM -  -       Information: Set Weather System vars...
77 12:04:32 PM -  -       Information: Sky and Weather created
78 12:04:32 PM -  -       Information: Date: 1988 0728, Time: 100000
79 12:04:33 PM -  -   Error:           In "Fonts\Buse_15x6.oft" there was an error in line 85!
80 12:04:55 PM -  -       Information: Fonts initialized
81 12:04:55 PM -  -       Information: Map created
82 12:04:57 PM -  -       Information:   Map Global File loaded
83 12:04:57 PM -  -       Information:   Registrations loaded
84 12:04:57 PM -  -       Information:   Parked Cars loaded
85 12:04:57 PM -  -       Information:   Map AILists loaded
86 12:04:57 PM -  -       Information:   Map AILists loaded
87 12:04:57 PM -  -       Information:   New Centerkachel set
88 12:04:57 PM -  -       Information:   VarParents loaded
89 12:04:57 PM -  -       Information:   Special Objects refreshed
90 12:04:57 PM -  -       Information:   Object and Spline Matrices refreshed
91 12:05:02 PM -  -       Information: Map loaded
92 12:05:04 PM -  -     Warning:       Line "maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\TTData\S14.ttl", tour 1 (Spec): Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!
93 12:05:04 PM -  -       Information: Humans created
94 12:05:04 PM -  -       Information: Date: 1988 0728, Time: 100000
95 12:05:04 PM -  -       Information: Editor refreshed
96 12:05:04 PM -  -     Warning:       Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
97 12:05:04 PM -  -       Information: Weather loaded
98 12:05:04 PM -  -       Information: Map camera loaded
99 12:05:04 PM -  -       Information: maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\global.cfg map loaded!
100 12:05:06 PM -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\Objects_SN\Zaun_6m_02.sco: texture filename tex_a.bmp not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Objects_SN\model\zaun_a.o3d!
101 12:05:07 PM -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
102 12:05:10 PM -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
103 12:05:10 PM -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
104 12:05:12 PM -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
105 12:05:12 PM -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
106 12:05:12 PM -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\Objects_SN\Zaun_Tor_6m_02.sco: texture filename tex_a.bmp not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Objects_SN\model\Tor_6m_02.o3d!
107 12:05:13 PM -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
108 12:05:13 PM -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
109 12:05:13 PM -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
110 12:05:18 PM -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
111 12:05:20 PM -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
112 12:05:21 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 22, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
113 12:05:21 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 24, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
114 12:05:21 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 25, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
115 12:05:21 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 27, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
116 12:05:21 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 28, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
117 12:05:21 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 29, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
118 12:05:21 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 30, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
119 12:05:21 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 31, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
120 12:05:22 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 32, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
121 12:05:22 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 33, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
122 12:05:22 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 34, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
123 12:05:22 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 35, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
124 12:05:22 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 38, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
125 12:05:22 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 39, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
126 12:05:22 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 59, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
127 12:05:22 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 60, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
128 12:05:22 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 63, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
129 12:05:22 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 64, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
130 12:05:22 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 65, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
131 12:05:22 PM -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 70, maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\ ...
132 12:05:49 PM -  -       Information: Date: 1988 0728, Time: 100000
133 12:05:49 PM -  -       Information: Date: 1988 0728, Time: 100000
134 12:05:49 PM -  -     Warning:       Direct3D-Device lost!
135 12:05:49 PM -  -       Information: Direct3D-Device resetted!
136 12:05:49 PM -  -       Information: Reset State Matrices...
137 12:05:49 PM -  -       Information: Start Tex Thread...
138 12:05:49 PM -  -       Information: Init Red Line...
139 12:05:49 PM -  -       Information: Set Initial Render States...
140 12:05:50 PM -  -       Information: Menu pos set
141 12:06:29 PM -  -       Information: Date: 1988 0728, Time: 131235
142 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 22 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
143 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 24 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
144 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 25 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
145 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 27 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
146 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 28 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
147 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 29 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
148 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 30 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
149 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 31 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
150 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 32 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
151 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 33 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
152 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 34 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
153 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 35 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
154 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 38 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
155 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 39 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
156 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 59 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
157 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 60 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
158 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 63 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
159 12:06:58 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 64 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
160 12:06:59 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 65 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
161 12:06:59 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 70 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
162 12:07:00 PM -  -       Information: Date: 1988 0728, Time: 131305
163 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 22 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
164 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 24 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
165 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 25 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
166 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 27 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
167 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 28 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
168 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 29 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
169 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 30 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
170 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 31 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
171 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 32 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
172 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 33 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
173 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 34 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
174 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 35 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
175 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 38 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
176 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 39 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
177 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 59 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
178 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 60 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
179 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 63 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
180 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 64 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
181 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 65 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
182 12:07:14 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 70 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
183 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 22 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
184 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 24 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
185 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 25 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
186 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 27 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
187 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 28 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
188 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 29 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
189 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 30 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
190 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 31 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
191 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 32 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
192 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 33 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
193 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 34 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
194 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 35 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
195 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 38 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
196 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 39 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
197 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 59 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
198 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 60 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
199 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 63 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
200 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 64 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
201 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 65 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
202 12:07:17 PM -  -     Warning:       Could not lock light map of tile 70 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
203 12:08:29 PM -  -       Information: Menu pos set
204 12:08:47 PM -  -       Information: Menu pos set
205 12:08:48 PM -  -     Warning:       Line "maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\TTData\S14.ttl", tour 1 (Spec): Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!
206 12:09:26 PM -  -       Information: Menu pos set
207 12:09:44 PM -  -       Information: Menu pos set
208 12:10:02 PM -  -       Information: Date: 1988 0728, Time: 131529
209 12:10:02 PM -  -     Warning:       Line "maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\TTData\S14.ttl", tour 1 (Spec): Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!
210 12:10:12 PM -  -       Information: Menu pos set
211 12:11:53 PM -  -       Information: Menu pos set
212 12:11:58 PM -  -       Information: Menu pos set
213 12:12:08 PM -  -       Information: Menu pos set
214 12:12:19 PM -  -       Information: Menu pos set
215 12:12:26 PM -  -       Information: Date: 1988 0728, Time: 131729
216 12:12:26 PM -  -     Warning:       Line "maps\Fikcyjny Szczecin\TTData\S14.ttl", tour 1 (Spec): Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!
217 12:12:29 PM -  -       Information: Menu pos set
218 12:12:34 PM -  -       Information: Deativating TIR...
219 12:12:34 PM -  -       Information: TIR was not available
220 12:12:34 PM -  -       Information: Closing actual map...
221 12:12:34 PM -  -       Information: Actual map closed!
222 12:12:34 PM -  -       Information: OMSI is closing...
Kilka razy pojawia się informacja "Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!". Wychodzi na to, że rację miał KMSzczecin. Musisz napisać rozkład od nowa, w taki sposób, aby czas odjazdu kursu następował po zakończeniu poprzedniego, zaczynając od pierwszego (np. o 4 rano) do ostatniego (np. o 23:30). Zachowaj chronologię, bo ten błąd czasem wywala także wtedy, gdy dodasz kurs wcześniejszy niż dotychczas istniejące.
(02.12.2020 13:18)Ikarus 132 napisał(a): [ -> ]Kilka razy pojawia się informacja "Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!". Wychodzi na to, że rację miał KMSzczecin. Musisz napisać rozkład od nowa, w taki sposób, aby czas odjazdu kursu następował po zakończeniu poprzedniego, zaczynając od pierwszego (np. o 4 rano) do ostatniego (np. o 23:30). Zachowaj chronologię, bo ten błąd czasem wywala także wtedy, gdy dodasz kurs wcześniejszy niż dotychczas istniejące.

Na logu jest napisane przy tym Entry 6 w nawiasach S14, tu chodzi o numer lini? Jeśli tak to ja nie tworzyłem lini S14 nigdy tylko stworzyłem linie numer 19.

Zrobiłem rozkład od nowa i dalej gra go nie widzi... Do tego coś mi hof świruje. Albo wczytuje fictiv szczecin albo coś po niemiecku..
Tak, tu chodzi o numer linii. Myślałem, że to Twoja - w takim razie to fałszywy trop.
Wracając do tej kwesti:
(02.12.2020 13:04)P1otrek napisał(a): [ -> ]Jedyne co mi jeszcze do głowy przychodzi - czy masz przypisane pojazdy AI do linii? W sensie jak masz kategorię "MAXI", to czy w pliku ailist jest prawidłowa ścieżka pojazdu.

Jak to u Ciebie wygląda? Przypisane kategorie pojazdów zgadzają się z tymi z ailist?

Hof nie ma nic do problemu z rozkładem.
Stron: 1 2 3