[Pojazd] Mercedes-Benz O530 'Facelift' (PATCH v.1.4 w pierwszym poście + CapaCity)
Autor Wiadomość

w Zimnej Wodzie staje??
Liczba postów: 1,041
Dołączył: 03-2015
Podziękowań: 216
Post: #1
Mercedes-Benz O530 'Facelift' (PATCH v.1.4 w pierwszym poście + CapaCity)
Ja mam białe reflektory i tylne lampy, wnęki kół, klawisze, lampki na pulpicie, całe niemal stanowisko kierowcy.
Oto screeny:

[Obrazek: 14648199635466973637.jpg]
[Obrazek: 68105793316702806047.jpg]
[Obrazek: 04299863963336321111.jpg]
[Obrazek: 27513516376710245229.jpg]
[Obrazek: 95958692344270924399.jpg]
[Obrazek: 14719635310780355084.jpg]
[Obrazek: 55722320661626655521.jpg]
[Obrazek: 59783781809304592889.jpg]

Nie wiem, co źle zrobiłem, bo jedno readme po angielsku, drugie po niemiecku. Podstawy języka co innego, a techn. instrukcje i opisy to coś innego. Pliki Template wgrane.
No to czekam na pomoc (albo hejty :E )
Liczę na poprawki i spolszczenia obu (jeżeli to nie to samo) instrukcji. @helvete - sporo tego będzie niestety.

[Obrazek: PcwnV5j.jpeg]
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 11.10.2017 20:41 przez skawek.)
27.03.2016 22:16
Szukaj postów Cytat

Liczba postów: 381
Dołączył: 03-2013
Podziękowań: 708
Post: #2
RE: Mercedes-Benz O530 'Facelift'
Otwórz i ponownie zapisz wszystkie pliki JPG, najlepiej w Paincie.

Dlatego jestem ostrym przeciwnikiem teksturowania JPGami, ale niestety z racji tego, że bazuje na czyimś modelu to ręcę miałem związane..

[Obrazek: fldoEhW.png]
27.03.2016 22:18
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w porzadalu
Super Moderatorzy
Liczba postów: 2,140
Dołączył: 08-2013
Podziękowań: 1255
Post: #3
RE: Mercedes-Benz O530 'Facelift'
Zadam pytanie tu, choć wydaje mi się, że pasuje do obydwu działów. Drzwi w Citaro G (4 drzwi) otwierają mi się dopiero po zaciągnięciu przystankowego/cg. Tak ma być, czy to jest gdzieś definiowalne, ja coś źle zrobiłem?

Specyfikacja komputera: [Link]
Zanim cokolwiek napiszesz, przeczytaj koniecznie REGULAMIN!
Jeśli masz problem techniczny, zapoznaj się z ZASADAMI DZIAŁÓW TECHNICZNYCH!
Jeśli chcesz podzielić się dodatkiem, zapoznaj się z REGULAMINEM DZIAŁU POBIERALNIA!

27.03.2016 22:51
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Liczba postów: 381
Dołączył: 03-2013
Podziękowań: 708
Post: #4
RE: Mercedes-Benz O530 'Facelift'
Tak, musi być zaciągnięty. Jutro wraz z patchem wydam dodatkowe skrypty bez konieczności zaciągania przystankowego.

[Obrazek: fldoEhW.png]
27.03.2016 22:55
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 Podziękowania za post: pause1

w Zimnej Wodzie staje??
Liczba postów: 1,041
Dołączył: 03-2015
Podziękowań: 216
Post: #5
RE: Mercedes-Benz O530 'Facelift'
Czy przewidujesz jakieś tłumaczenie na polski, żebyśmy mogli się tymi setvarami bawić swobodnie ?
Było z tym trochę roboty, ale albo będą jakieś poprawki w tym zakresie i można trochę zaczekać, albo tak, jak ja to zrobiłem wg. zaleceń @helvete i zadziałało, PaintNet też się w tej roli sprawdził i śmiga teraz i ładnie wygląda. I tak zapewne będą różne rzeczy poprawiane i ulepszane. Niemniej na chwilę obecną jest to juz grywalny pojazd.

[Obrazek: PcwnV5j.jpeg]
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 27.03.2016 23:15 przez Konduktor5-8.)
27.03.2016 23:14
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Liczba postów: 20
Dołączył: 07-2014
Podziękowań: 1
Post: #6
RE: Mercedes-Benz O530 'Facelift'
Mam czarne tekstury pojazdu. Coś źle wgrałem czy o co kaman?

28.03.2016 00:49
Szukaj postów Cytat

Liczba postów: 112
Dołączył: 01-2015
Podziękowań: 26
Post: #7
RE: Mercedes-Benz O530 'Facelift'
majtek logfile i może jakieś ss :v

28.03.2016 06:15
Szukaj postów Cytat

Liczba postów: 14
Dołączył: 10-2013
Podziękowań: 1
Post: #8
RE: Mercedes-Benz O530 'Facelift'
Witam. Mogę liczyć na podpowiedź od kogoś znającego w znacznej części skrypty, albowiem chciałbym wykonać delikatną modyfikacje, mianowicie przerobić skrypt ciepłego guzika z modelu 2door tak aby skrypt ten działał na trzecią parę drzwi, czyli ogólnie na model trzydrzwiowy.

28.03.2016 08:24
Szukaj postów Cytat

Liczba postów: 24
Dołączył: 02-2013
Podziękowań: 4
Post: #9
RE: Mercedes-Benz O530 'Facelift'
Problem z czarnymi teksturami na każdym modelu


    Start logging

Date:    28.03.2016
Time:    09:50:49
Version: 2.2.032

0 09:50:49 -  -       Information: OMSI is working in fullscreen mode
1 09:50:50 -  -       Information: TIR - looking for DLL path...
2 09:50:50 -  -       Information: TIR  - DLL path not found - TIR disabled [0]
3 09:51:02 -  -       Information: Options dialog created
4 09:51:02 -  -       Information: Weather dialog created
5 09:51:02 -  -       Information: Profiles dialog created
6 09:51:02 -  -       Information: Time table running dialog created
7 09:51:02 -  -       Information: Start dialog created
8 09:51:02 -  -       Information: Menu 2 created
9 09:51:02 -  -       Information: Menu 3 created
10 09:51:02 -  -       Information: Tut dialog created
11 09:51:02 -  -       Information: Menu pos set
12 09:51:02 -  -       Information: Bro initialized
13 09:51:02 -  -       Information: Human engine initialized
14 09:51:02 -  -       Information: Forms set
15 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Captions set
16 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Screen ration set
17 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Init3D: BackBufferFormat = 22
18 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Init3D: Hardware vertex processing
19 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Init3D: Max iso = 16
20 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Init3D: Hal active
21 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Creating 3D device procedure finished
22 09:51:03 -  -       Information: 3D initialized
23 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Direct sound initialized
24 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Create main manager...
25 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Veh array created
26 09:51:03 -  -       Information: CS initialized
27 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Station manager created
28 09:51:03 -  -       Information: OBB created
29 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Tex managers created
30 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Tex manager started
31 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Tutorial manager created
32 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Material manager created
33 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Scenery object manager created
34 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Human manager created
35 09:51:03 -  -       Information: RV type manager created
36 09:51:03 -  -       Information: RV lists created
37 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Spline manager created
38 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Time table manager created
39 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Currency manager created
40 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Visual helpers created
41 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Audio Mixer erstellen...
42 09:51:03 -  -       Information: ---
43 09:51:03 -  -       Information: Download Internet Textures...
44 09:51:07 -  -       Information: Input Manager erstellen...
45 09:51:07 -  -       Information: Tastaturbefehle laden...
46 09:51:07 -  -       Information: Game Controller laden...
47 09:51:07 -  -       Information: Progman initialisieren...
48 09:51:07 -  -       Information: Partikelvertices initialisieren...
49 09:51:07 -  -       Information: Lichtquellen initialisieren...
50 09:51:07 -  -       Information: System-Scriptvariablen initialisieren...
51 09:51:07 -  -       Information: Redline initialisieren...
52 09:51:07 -  -       Information: Traffic Path Manager initialisieren...
53 09:51:07 -  -       Information: Plugins initialisieren...
54 09:51:07 -  -       Information: Spline-Helper initialisieren...
55 09:51:16 -  -       Information: Loading Situation maps\PKM\laststn.osn...
56 09:51:17 -  -       Information: Date: 2016 0328, Time: 000449
57 09:51:17 -  -       Information: Load maps\PKM\global.cfg map...
58 09:51:17 -  -       Information: Load Cloud and Snowfall objects...
59 09:51:17 -  -       Information: Load Precip. Part. System...
60 09:51:17 -  -       Information: Load Precip. Sound...
61 09:51:17 -  -       Information:    Sound erstellen...
62 09:51:17 -  -       Information:    Sound laden...
63 09:51:17 -  -       Information: Set Weather System vars...
64 09:51:17 -  -       Information: Sky and Weather created
65 09:51:17 -  -       Information: Date: 2016 0328, Time: 000449
66 09:51:18 -  -   Error:           In "Fonts\FGY_M.oft" there was an error in line 32!
67 09:51:20 -  -       Information: Fonts initialized
68 09:51:20 -  -       Information: Map created
69 09:51:20 -  -       Information:   Map Global File loaded
70 09:51:20 -  -       Information:   Registrations loaded
71 09:51:20 -  -       Information:   Parked Cars loaded
72 09:51:20 -  -       Information:   Map AILists loaded
73 09:51:20 -  -       Information:   New Centerkachel set
74 09:51:20 -  -       Information:   VarParents loaded
75 09:51:20 -  -       Information:   Special Objects refreshed
76 09:51:20 -  -       Information:   Object and Spline Matrices refreshed
77 09:51:20 -  -       Information: Map loaded
78 09:51:20 -  -     Warning:       Line "maps\PKM\TTData\323.ttl", tour 1: Entry 1 begins before previous entry ends!
79 09:51:20 -  -     Warning:       Line "maps\PKM\TTData\323.ttl", tour 1: Entry 3 begins before previous entry ends!
80 09:51:20 -  -     Warning:       Line "maps\PKM\TTData\323.ttl", tour 2: Entry 1 begins before previous entry ends!
81 09:51:20 -  -       Information: Humans created
82 09:51:20 -  -       Information: Editor refreshed
83 09:51:20 -  -     Warning:       Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
84 09:51:20 -  -       Information: Weather loaded
85 09:51:20 -  -       Information: Map camera loaded
86 09:51:20 -  -       Information: maps\PKM\global.cfg map loaded!
87 09:51:21 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 0, maps\PKM\tile_0_0.map ...
88 09:51:21 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 1, maps\PKM\tile_0_1.map ...
89 09:51:21 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 2, maps\PKM\tile_0_2.map ...
90 09:51:21 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 3, maps\PKM\tile_1_2.map ...
91 09:51:21 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 4, maps\PKM\tile_2_2.map ...
92 09:51:21 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 5, maps\PKM\tile_2_3.map ...
93 09:51:22 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 6, maps\PKM\tile_3_3.map ...
94 09:51:22 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 7, maps\PKM\tile_3_2.map ...
95 09:51:22 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text1.bmp"!
96 09:51:22 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\Poznan_70\Mark\Wiata Normalna 3\wiata1.sco: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Poznan_70\Mark\Wiata Normalna 3\model\wiata.o3d!
97 09:51:22 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\Poznan_70\Mark\Wiata Normalna 3\wiata1.sco: texture filename Fenster_int.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Poznan_70\Mark\Wiata Normalna 3\model\wiata.o3d!
98 09:51:22 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 8, maps\PKM\tile_4_2.map ...
99 09:51:22 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 9, maps\PKM\tile_4_3.map ...
100 09:51:22 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 10, maps\PKM\tile_5_3.map ...
101 09:51:22 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 11, maps\PKM\tile_5_2.map ...
102 09:51:23 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 12, maps\PKM\tile_6_2.map ...
103 09:51:23 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 13, maps\PKM\tile_-1_0.map ...
104 09:51:23 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\ADDON_PLSigns\edit_e14_4wiersze.sco: texture filename text.bmp not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\ADDON_PLSigns\model\edit_e14_4_wiersze.o3d!
105 09:51:23 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 14, maps\PKM\tile_5_4.map ...
106 09:51:23 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 15, maps\PKM\tile_6_4.map ...
107 09:51:23 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 16, maps\PKM\tile_6_5.map ...
108 09:51:23 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 17, maps\PKM\tile_5_5.map ...
109 09:51:24 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 18, maps\PKM\tile_6_6.map ...
110 09:51:24 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 19, maps\PKM\tile_6_7.map ...
111 09:51:24 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 20, maps\PKM\tile_6_8.map ...
112 09:51:24 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 21, maps\PKM\tile_5_8.map ...
113 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 22, maps\PKM\tile_4_1.map ...
114 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 23, maps\PKM\tile_5_7.map ...
115 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 24, maps\PKM\tile_6_9.map ...
116 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 25, maps\PKM\tile_4_4.map ...
117 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 26, maps\PKM\tile_0_-1.map ...
118 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 27, maps\PKM\tile_-1_1.map ...
119 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 28, maps\PKM\tile_-2_1.map ...
120 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 29, maps\PKM\tile_-3_1.map ...
121 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 30, maps\PKM\tile_-3_0.map ...
122 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 31, maps\PKM\tile_-4_1.map ...
123 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 32, maps\PKM\tile_-5_1.map ...
124 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 33, maps\PKM\tile_-5_0.map ...
125 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 34, maps\PKM\tile_-4_0.map ...
126 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 35, maps\PKM\tile_-5_-1.map ...
127 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 36, maps\PKM\tile_-5_-2.map ...
128 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 37, maps\PKM\tile_-5_-3.map ...
129 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 38, maps\PKM\tile_-6_-3.map ...
130 09:51:25 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 39, maps\PKM\tile_-6_-4.map ...
131 09:51:26 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 40, maps\PKM\tile_-6_-5.map ...
132 09:51:26 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 41, maps\PKM\tile_-6_-6.map ...
133 09:51:26 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 42, maps\PKM\tile_-5_-5.map ...
134 09:51:26 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 43, maps\PKM\tile_-5_-6.map ...
135 09:51:26 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 44, maps\PKM\tile_-7_-3.map ...
136 09:51:26 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 45, maps\PKM\tile_-4_-6.map ...
137 09:51:26 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 46, maps\PKM\tile_-4_-5.map ...
138 09:51:26 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 47, maps\PKM\tile_-4_-4.map ...
139 09:51:26 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 48, maps\PKM\tile_-7_-4.map ...
140 09:51:26 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 49, maps\PKM\tile_-7_-5.map ...
141 09:51:26 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 50, maps\PKM\tile_7_6.map ...
142 09:51:26 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 51, maps\PKM\tile_7_7.map ...
143 09:51:26 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 52, maps\PKM\tile_7_8.map ...
144 09:51:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 53, maps\PKM\tile_8_8.map ...
145 09:51:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 54, maps\PKM\tile_8_7.map ...
146 09:51:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 55, maps\PKM\tile_9_8.map ...
147 09:51:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 56, maps\PKM\tile_9_9.map ...
148 09:51:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 57, maps\PKM\tile_8_9.map ...
149 09:51:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 58, maps\PKM\tile_9_10.map ...
150 09:51:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 59, maps\PKM\tile_8_10.map ...
151 09:51:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 60, maps\PKM\tile_8_11.map ...
152 09:51:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 61, maps\PKM\tile_7_11.map ...
153 09:51:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 62, maps\PKM\tile_7_10.map ...
154 09:51:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 63, maps\PKM\tile_6_11.map ...
155 09:51:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 64, maps\PKM\tile_6_10.map ...
156 09:51:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 65, maps\PKM\tile_5_11.map ...
157 09:51:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 66, maps\PKM\tile_6_12.map ...
158 09:51:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 67, maps\PKM\tile_7_12.map ...
159 09:51:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 68, maps\PKM\tile_8_12.map ...
160 09:51:27 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 69, maps\PKM\tile_5_6.map ...
161 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 70, maps\PKM\tile_6_3.map ...
162 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 71, maps\PKM\tile_5_9.map ...
163 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 72, maps\PKM\tile_7_9.map ...
164 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 73, maps\PKM\tile_7_3.map ...
165 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 74, maps\PKM\tile_7_2.map ...
166 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 75, maps\PKM\tile_4_9.map ...
167 09:51:28 -  -     Warning:       Terrain file "maps\PKM\tile_3_9.map.terrain" could not be loaded!
168 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 76, maps\PKM\tile_3_9.map ...
169 09:51:28 -  -     Warning:       Terrain file "maps\PKM\tile_3_8.map.terrain" could not be loaded!
170 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 77, maps\PKM\tile_3_8.map ...
171 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 78, maps\PKM\tile_3_1.map ...
172 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 79, maps\PKM\tile_3_0.map ...
173 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 80, maps\PKM\tile_4_0.map ...
174 09:51:28 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\Poznan_70\Aragok\Skrzynki2.sco: texture filename Skrzynki2.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Poznan_70\Aragok\model\Skrzynki2.o3d!
175 09:51:28 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\Poznan_70\Aragok\SkrzynkaElektryczna.sco: texture filename Skrzynka.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Poznan_70\Aragok\model\Skrzynka.o3d!
176 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 81, maps\PKM\tile_3_-1.map ...
177 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 82, maps\PKM\tile_2_-1.map ...
178 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 83, maps\PKM\tile_2_-2.map ...
179 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 84, maps\PKM\tile_3_-2.map ...
180 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 85, maps\PKM\tile_2_-3.map ...
181 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 86, maps\PKM\tile_2_-4.map ...
182 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 87, maps\PKM\tile_2_-5.map ...
183 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 88, maps\PKM\tile_1_-3.map ...
184 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 89, maps\PKM\tile_1_-4.map ...
185 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 90, maps\PKM\tile_1_-5.map ...
186 09:51:28 -  -       Information: Refresh Tile: 91, maps\PKM\tile_1_-6.map ...
187 09:51:39 -  -     Warning:       Don't find any files in vehicles\Scania 113\Texture\Perekraski_34
188 09:51:39 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "TKAN.BMP"!
189 09:51:39 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Scania 113\model\model5256.34.cfg: texture filename Fenster.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Scania 113\model\18.o3d!
190 09:51:39 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Scania 113\model\model5256.34.cfg: texture filename kierowni.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Scania 113\model\41.o3d!
191 09:51:39 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Scania 113\model\model5256.34.cfg: texture filename grey2.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Scania 113\model\42.o3d!
192 09:51:39 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Scania 113\model\model5256.34.cfg: texture filename grey2.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Scania 113\model\43.o3d!
193 09:51:58 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\IKARUS 280 TITA\model\model_GN92_main_manual.cfg: texture filename 202_022.jpg not found in mesh file vehicles\IKARUS 280 TITA\model\280_02\poruch.o3d!
194 09:51:58 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\IKARUS 280 TITA\model\model_GN92_main_manual.cfg: texture filename stuff.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\IKARUS 280 TITA\model\280_02\svet_stek.o3d!
195 09:52:04 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\IKARUS 280 TITA\model\model_GN92_trail.cfg: texture filename 202_022.jpg not found in mesh file vehicles\IKARUS 280 TITA\model\280_02\otop.o3d!
196 09:52:04 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\IKARUS 280 TITA\model\model_GN92_trail.cfg: texture filename 569_LMP.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\IKARUS 280 TITA\model\280_02\svet_stek_b.o3d!
197 09:52:04 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\IKARUS 280 TITA\model\model_GN92_trail.cfg: texture filename ikarus.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\IKARUS 280 TITA\model\280_02\Zp4_b.o3d!
198 09:52:04 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\IKARUS 280 TITA\model\model_GN92_trail.cfg: texture filename 256.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\IKARUS 280 TITA\model\280_02\Zp4_b.o3d!
199 09:52:04 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\IKARUS 280 TITA\model\model_GN92_trail.cfg: texture filename logot.jpg not found in mesh file vehicles\IKARUS 280 TITA\model\280_02\Zp4_b.o3d!
200 09:52:08 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\model_Vecto209.cfg: texture filename tex1.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\Vecto\klplwV.o3d!
201 09:52:08 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\model_Vecto209.cfg: texture filename brud.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\Vecto\klplwV.o3d!
202 09:52:09 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\model_Vecto209.cfg: texture filename tex4.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\Dana\zawSU.o3d!
203 09:52:09 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "odometr1.tga"!
204 09:52:09 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "timer.tga"!
205 09:52:09 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "LCD-Innenanzeige.bmp"!
206 09:52:09 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\model_Vecto209.cfg: texture filename tex3.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\Vecto\fotV.o3d!
207 09:52:09 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\model_Vecto209.cfg: texture filename tex3.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\Dana\rolU1.o3d!
208 09:52:09 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\model_Vecto209.cfg: texture filename tex3.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\Dana\rolzwU1.o3d!
209 09:52:09 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\model_Vecto209.cfg: texture filename tex3.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\Dana\rolU2.o3d!
210 09:52:09 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\model_Vecto209.cfg: texture filename tex3.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\Dana\rolU22.o3d!
211 09:52:09 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\model_Vecto209.cfg: texture filename tex3.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\Dana\rolzwU2.o3d!
212 09:52:09 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\model_Vecto209.cfg: texture filename tex3.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\Dana\hamaU.o3d!
213 09:52:09 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\model_Vecto209.cfg: texture filename tex5.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\Dana\podkiU.o3d!
214 09:52:09 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "ther.bmp"!
215 09:52:09 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\model_Vecto209.cfg: texture filename tex5.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\Dana\terU.o3d!
216 09:52:09 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\model_Vecto209.cfg: texture filename pul2.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\dana\dzb.o3d!
217 09:52:09 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\model_Vecto209.cfg: texture filename pul2.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz M125M\model\dana\dzk.o3d!
218 09:52:09 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld.tga"!
219 09:52:13 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "naklejki.png"!
220 09:52:14 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz 120MM2\model\Model_Jelcz_ZF.cfg: texture filename vmatrix_leer.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz 120MM2\model\wysw_text.o3d!
221 09:52:14 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz 120MM2\model\Model_Jelcz_ZF.cfg: texture filename car01.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz 120MM2\model\drzwi1.o3d!
222 09:52:14 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz 120MM2\model\Model_Jelcz_ZF.cfg: texture filename car01.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz 120MM2\model\drzwi2.o3d!
223 09:52:14 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz 120MM2\model\Model_Jelcz_ZF.cfg: texture filename car01.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz 120MM2\model\drzwi3.o3d!
224 09:52:14 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz 120MM2\model\Model_Jelcz_ZF.cfg: texture filename car01.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz 120MM2\model\drzwi4.o3d!
225 09:52:14 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Jelcz 120MM2\model\Model_Jelcz_ZF.cfg: texture filename car01.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Jelcz 120MM2\model\drzwi5.o3d!
226 09:52:18 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsACTIA_Euro6.cfg: texture filename actia.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Actia\dash.o3d!
227 09:52:18 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsACTIA_Euro6.cfg: texture filename actia.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Actia\dash.o3d!
228 09:52:18 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsACTIA_Euro6.cfg: texture filename actia.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Actia\dash.o3d!
229 09:52:19 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "actia_Display_Stopmode.png"!
230 09:52:19 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "actia_Display_Stopmode.png"!
231 09:52:19 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "AI_text.tga"!
232 09:52:19 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "AI_text.tga"!
233 09:52:19 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "AI_text.tga"!
234 09:52:20 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsACTIA_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\MOKI\dvertca.o3d!
235 09:52:20 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsACTIA_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 01-18m.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Tuer_VV.o3d!
236 09:52:20 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsACTIA_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Tuer_VV.o3d!
237 09:52:20 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsACTIA_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 01-18m.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Tuer_VH.o3d!
238 09:52:20 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsACTIA_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Tuer_VH.o3d!
239 09:52:20 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsACTIA_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 01-18m.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Tuer_VV_2.o3d!
240 09:52:20 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsACTIA_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Tuer_VV_2.o3d!
241 09:52:20 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsACTIA_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 01-18m.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Tuer_VH_2.o3d!
242 09:52:20 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsACTIA_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Tuer_VH_2.o3d!
243 09:52:20 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsACTIA_Euro6.cfg: texture filename body_wew.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Interior 2a.o3d!
244 09:52:21 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsACTIA_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Euro 6\Wagenkasten.o3d!
245 09:52:21 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsACTIA_Euro6.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Euro 6\Wagenkasten.o3d!
246 09:52:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 01-12m.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\rawag_3_0.o3d!
247 09:52:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\rawag_3_0.o3d!
248 09:52:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 01-12m.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\rawag_3_1.o3d!
249 09:52:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\rawag_3_1.o3d!
250 09:52:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 01-18m.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\rawag_4_0.o3d!
251 09:52:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\rawag_4_0.o3d!
252 09:52:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 01-18m.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\rawag_4_1.o3d!
253 09:52:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\rawag_4_1.o3d!
254 09:52:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename fenster.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\Interior 2 ster.o3d!
255 09:52:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename logopozaris.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\Interior 2 ster.o3d!
256 09:52:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename fenster.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\okragleprzyciskiwnetrze\Interior 2 ster.o3d!
257 09:52:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename logopozaris.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\okragleprzyciskiwnetrze\Interior 2 ster.o3d!
258 09:52:23 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename body_wew.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\wiatrolapy.o3d!
259 09:52:24 -  -       Information: Date: 2016 0328, Time: 000449
260 09:52:24 -  -     Warning:       Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
261 09:52:24 -  -       Information: Date: 2016 0328, Time: 000449
262 09:52:26 -  -       Information: Traffic loaded
263 09:52:26 -  -       Information: Reset Passengers...
264 09:52:26 -  -       Information: Initialize Scheduled AI...
265 09:52:26 -  -       Information: Refresh All Vehicle Indices...
266 09:52:26 -  -       Information: Date: 2016 0328, Time: 000449
267 09:52:26 -  -       Information: Reset Passengers...
268 09:52:26 -  -       Information: Initialize Scheduled AI...
269 09:52:26 -  -       Information: Refresh All Vehicle Indices...
270 09:52:26 -  -     Warning:       Direct3D-Device lost!
271 09:52:26 -  -       Information: Direct3D-Device resetted!
272 09:52:26 -  -       Information: Reset State Matrices...
273 09:52:26 -  -       Information: Start Tex Thread...
274 09:52:26 -  -       Information: Init Red Line...
275 09:52:26 -  -       Information: Set Initial Render States...
276 09:52:27 -  -       Information: Try placing random bus:
277 09:52:28 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "textfeld_thermo.tga"!
278 09:52:28 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld.tga"!
279 09:52:29 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
280 09:52:29 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "LCD-Innenanzeige.bmp"!
281 09:52:29 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
282 09:52:29 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
283 09:52:29 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
284 09:52:29 -  -       Information: Menu pos set
285 09:52:29 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
286 09:52:29 -  -     Warning:       File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_EN92.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\EN92\EN92_wagenkasten_dreck.o3d!
287 09:52:30 -  -     Warning:       File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_EN92.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\EN92\LOD_EN92_tuer_MV.o3d!
288 09:52:30 -  -     Warning:       File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_EN92.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\EN92\LOD_EN92_tuer_MH.o3d!
289 09:52:30 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "D_Rad_v.bmp"!
290 09:52:33 -  -       Information: Try placing random bus:
291 09:52:33 -  -       Information: Try placing random bus:
292 09:52:33 -  -       Information: Menu pos set
293 09:52:33 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Linienlisten\PKM_ANX.jpg"!
294 09:52:35 -  -   Error:           The file "" could not be loaded!
295 09:52:35 -  -   Error:           The file "" could not be loaded!
296 09:52:35 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: "
297 09:52:35 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle  - it is invalid!
298 09:52:35 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
299 09:52:35 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
300 09:52:35 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
301 09:52:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle  - it is invalid!
302 09:52:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
303 09:52:36 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle  - it is invalid!
304 09:52:36 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
305 09:52:36 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
306 09:52:56 -  -       Information: Init3D: BackBufferFormat = 22
307 09:52:56 -  -       Information: Init3D: Hardware vertex processing
308 09:52:56 -  -       Information: Init3D: Max iso = 16
309 09:52:56 -  -       Information: Init3D: Hal active
310 09:52:56 -  -       Information: Creating 3D device procedure finished
311 09:52:57 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename textfeld.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\MOKI\p_licznik.o3d!
312 09:52:57 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename textfeld.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\MOKI\p_dim.o3d!
313 09:52:59 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\MOKI\dvertca.o3d!
314 09:52:59 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 01-18m.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Tuer_VV.o3d!
315 09:52:59 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Tuer_VV.o3d!
316 09:52:59 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 01-18m.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Tuer_VH.o3d!
317 09:52:59 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Tuer_VH.o3d!
318 09:52:59 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 01-18m.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Tuer_VV_2.o3d!
319 09:52:59 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Tuer_VV_2.o3d!
320 09:52:59 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 01-18m.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Tuer_VH_2.o3d!
321 09:52:59 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Tuer_VH_2.o3d!
322 09:52:59 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename body_wew.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Interior 2a.o3d!
323 09:52:59 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Euro 6\Wagenkasten.o3d!
324 09:52:59 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_4doors_MOKI\Euro 6\Wagenkasten.o3d!
325 09:53:00 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 01-12m.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\rawag_3_0.o3d!
326 09:53:00 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\rawag_3_0.o3d!
327 09:53:00 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 01-12m.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\rawag_3_1.o3d!
328 09:53:00 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\rawag_3_1.o3d!
329 09:53:00 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 01-18m.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\rawag_4_0.o3d!
330 09:53:00 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\rawag_4_0.o3d!
331 09:53:00 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 01-18m.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\rawag_4_1.o3d!
332 09:53:00 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename 04.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\rawag_4_1.o3d!
333 09:53:00 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename fenster.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\Interior 2 ster.o3d!
334 09:53:00 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename logopozaris.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\Interior 2 ster.o3d!
335 09:53:00 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename fenster.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\okragleprzyciskiwnetrze\Interior 2 ster.o3d!
336 09:53:00 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename logopozaris.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\okragleprzyciskiwnetrze\Interior 2 ster.o3d!
337 09:53:00 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\model_Urbino 18 Trail_4doorsMOKI_Euro6.cfg: texture filename body_wew.png not found in mesh file vehicles\Solaris Urbino PL\model\Urbino_18_Trail_4doors_moki\wiatrolapy.o3d!
338 09:53:17 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "textfeld_clock.tga"!
339 09:53:17 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "textfeld_thermo-aus.tga"!
340 09:53:17 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "textfeld_thermo.tga"!
341 09:53:17 -  -     Warning:       File vehicles\MB_O520\model\model_O520.cfg: texture filename display1b.jpg not found in mesh file vehicles\MB_O520\model\O520\VDO Displays\Thermometer-drive.o3d!
342 09:53:17 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld.tga"!
343 09:53:19 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "LCD-Innenanzeige.bmp"!
344 09:53:19 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "textfeld_thermo-aus.tga"!
345 09:53:19 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "textfeld_thermo.tga"!
346 09:55:45 -  -       Information: Menu pos set
347 09:56:16 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
348 09:56:48 -  -   Error:           You want to create vehicle  - it is invalid!
349 09:56:48 -  -     Warning:       Could not add unscheduled AI vehicle!
350 09:57:29 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "..\..\Anzeigen\Seitenschilder\\302.bmp"!
351 09:57:29 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Linienlisten\PKM_ANX.jpg"!

28.03.2016 09:00
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Liczba postów: 63
Dołączył: 03-2013
Podziękowań: 2
Post: #10
RE: Mercedes-Benz O530 'Facelift'
Jaka jest komenda na 3 i 4 drzwi w Citaro G 4d ?

OMSI na laptopie to nie OMSI - to stan umysłu...
28.03.2016 09:41
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Użytkownicy przeglądający ten wątek: 2 gości

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